Escaping Justice at New Vrindaban

Escaping Justice at New Vrindaban
By Balavidya Das | Published 01/19/2007
Tirtha das - Thomas Drescher, notorious Iskcon devotee murderer
Radhanath Swami
murder conspirator

The immediate material reason why Radhanatha, Kuladri, Malati, Devamrta, Chandra-muli, Umapati, and all the other co-conspirators in the murder of Sulocana dasa are still free and never underwent prosecution may not be hard to divine. This reason also explains why Kirtanananda also got off rather lightly for his innumerable illegalities. And it may also be applied to the reluctance of Mr. Stein to reopen the case.

To understand, one must step back a little and remember the political climate in USA at the time. The federal agencies had just burned to the ground the religious community at Waco wherein a Christian-cult-leader, David Koresh, had gathered a group of followers. Rather like Hansadutta, Koresh had gathered a big cache of arms and was waiting in paranoia for Armageddon.

After nearly a one month siege, the 'feds' used tanks to storm the large church-community building containing the men, women, and children followers of Koresh. Soon the building burst into flames. This was all done USA style on live TV. Unfortunately for the 'feds' even as some of the stricken people fled the flames, the TV cameras also picked up the 'feds' mercilessly shooting these defenseless people – women and children included.

Needless to say there was a nation-wide revulsion at these heartless and illegal murders by the 'feds'. The 'feds' were obviously not good Christians either; apparently they didn't believe in turning the other cheek. Janet Reno, the Attorney General at the time, had to go on television and, rather like the recent GBC letter supporting Radhanath, had to give a load of nonsense to cover up the violent improprieties. Similarly, just like the GBC letter, all the nonsense of Reno didn't convince anyone. The 'feds' were murderers, plain and simple. And the public shivered to think upon who was ruling them, rather like the devotees of ISKCON today shivering to think who is on the GBC, openly threatening "mortal danger" for "fault-finding".

Forward a short time to New Vrndavana, and we find the 'feds' had agents in New Vrndavana and were definitely planning to take down the whole community. That primarily meant taking down the godfather of all the illegalities, Kirtanananda. They couldn't charge in again with tanks, bullets flying, but they determined that they had to at least get Kirtanananda.

As the 'feds' were observing and waiting, the Triyogi attack on Kirtanananda happened, putting all the management at New Vrndavana into a panic. In the midst of this hysteria, the guesswork that Sulocana was responsible and was coming next to kill Kirtanananda soon became gospel truth. According to Tirtha himself, quoted in Rocana's recent posting, all the management (and that must have included number two Radhanatha) decided on the murder of Sulocana dasa. Even if Sulocana wasn't going to attack Kirtanananda physically, he had written "The Guru Business", which was a grand expose of not only the active homosexual pedophile Kirtanananda, but also all the other bogus 'gurus' the GBC had rubber-stamped. No wonder Ramesvara M. (eventually caught with a fourteen-year-old gurukuli girl) encouraged his disciples in the murder out there in L.A.

Through their undercover agent, Randall Gorby, the 'feds' encouraged the murder of Sulocana Prabhu. The authorities had Sulocana's diary and supplied the knowledge of Sulocana's movements to the New Vrndavana management, Kuladri, Radhanatha, etc. Randall Gorby even went on field trips with Tirtha tracking down the target, Sulocana, and on one trip even put a sticker on the bumper of Sulocana's van, hoping to unnerve him. This is a surveillance tactic meant to spur an unwise reaction from the target while his mind is unbalanced. Moreover, we see in the same Rocana Prabhu posting that Tirtha, when he needed the escape money after the murder, contacted Gorby to pressure the NV management to pay up and let him escape. What he didn't know at the time was that Gorby was arranging his capture and trying to get him, Tirtha, to admit who were his handlers while the tape was running. Incriminating Radhanatha, Tirtha fled to Radhanatha's center in Kent, Ohio after the murder.

Thus the FBI knowingly and willfully encouraged the murder of Sulocana dasa. They knew of the New Vrndavana management's murderous plan and did nothing to stop it; rather they facilitated it as best they could. The life of Sulocana Prabhu meant nothing to them – he was simply a pawn to bring down New Vrndavana and Kirtanananda in particular. This aiding and abetting of murder by the local and federal authorities was and still is clearly illegal.

Copyright fraud and illegal collection, etc., was not enough to get Kirtanananda. These were relatively minor charges and might appear only like harassment in the press and media. Plus, they knew that New Vrndavana was a tightly run ship. Who was going to speak? So a murder would have to do… And a murder would appear as justification in the press and media for their federal attack on another 'religious group' after the Waco fiasco.

However when the trials came around, Kirtanananda, Radhanatha, Kuladri, Malati, Chandramuli, Umapati, etc., were under the shelter of the best lawyers that money can buy. These lawyers knew that the trump card they held was the direct complicity of local and federal authorities in the murder of Sulocana dasa, especially through Gorby. They, the 'to protect and serve' police, had not stopped but had illegally facilitated and encouraged this murder. Waco had just happened and if this illegal complicity had entered the public record in a highly publicized murder trail of yet another religious group, maybe even the Attorney General would have had to resign. Certainly the press would have had a field-day, and Kirtanananda, Radhanatha, Kuladri, etc., had the money to make that happen. After all, The Palace of Gold was already national news. In the circumstances, with a little expert management it might appear that the law enforcement authorities might have been condemned for murder – not New Vrndavana.

So, though they knew everything and everyone involved through their under-cover agents, the prosecutor's position at the trial was not at all strong. When this was combined with the tightly-knit New Vrndavana management silence over the whole affair, the result was plea-bargaining. Thus, all the New Vrndavana management, Radhanatha and Kuladri included, went free with perhaps a slap on the wrist here and there. Mr. Stein knows all this and so has no interest in opening the case again. Actually, it would appear that Stein had a deal with Radhanatha himself – help me get Kirtananada and you can go free. In pursuance of this deal, subsequently Tirtha was manipulated into giving up his silence and pointed the finger of accusation at Kirtanananda.

How was this manipulation of Tirtha performed? Well, the same New Vrndavana managers that had convinced him that it was correct to kill Sulocana dasa on the basis of guru, sadhu and sastra because Kirtanananda was a 'pure devotee', now convinced him of what they had known for years: Kirtanananda was an active predatory homosexual pedophile with an sickly aversion to women and a perverted narcissistic personality who should be given up to the prosecutors – on the basis guru, sadhu and sastra. They didn't mention it was also part of the deal to save the skin of Radhanatha and Kuladri and the rest of themselves, the New Vrndavana management, who had instigated the murder.

At this point let us reflect what a pathetic figure is Tirtha. He sits in prison for life trying to stay silent for the protection of the very people that manipulated him into the murder that put him in that prison cell. These people wouldn't even give him the promised money for the murder they had engaged him in, so he had no chance of escape from justice. He ran to one of his handlers, Radhanath, and hid at his center in Kent, Ohio. Gorby had him arrested as soon as some of the blood money was given to him with Kirtanananda's fingerprints incriminatingly all over it. That was what the 'feds' wanted: an unbreakable case on Kirtanananda and they were ready ultimately to settle for that. Tirtha is just one of many people the New Vrndavana management abused and manipulated for their own ends, but these handlers don't want him to have the slightest realization of that, or he might really start talking…

So, in previous posts, the question has been raised by various persons, Janmastami included, how could Radhanatha, Kuladri and the rest of the New Vrndavana management get away with murder. By consideration of the police/FBI role in the matter detailed above in the light of political climate following the debacle at Waco, this is not hard to understand. Radhanath, Kuladri, Janmastami, and the rest of the New Vrndavana inmates, etc., should simply recall the words and actions of Randall Gorby while the murder was being planned and executed and we are sure they will see that he pushed the murderous 'solution' to their problems along at every stage. Gorby may have appeared friendly, hard-working and trustworthy, but that was just part of his cover. He had his handlers too, and they wanted New Vrndavana down. Why? Because they new that Kirtanananda's foot-soldiers were charging all over North America, ripping everyone off and that Kirtanananda was badly exploiting all the men, women and children under his control. Even the police could see this, but the New Vrndavana management couldn't because they were Kirtanananda's agents in this suppression that extended even to murder.

This New Vrndavana management stood by, aided, or covered up all the irreligious activity in New Vrndavana. All the nasty abuse of men, women and children was suppressed by this bad management. The devotees were told to surrender and keep quiet for the sake of the glorious "New Vrndavana project". In essence this management of Radhanatha, Kuladri, Malati, Chandramuli, Bhakti-tirtha, Devamrta, Umapati, etc., subjugated all the "inmates" to Kirtanananda's manic narcissistic attempt to glorify himself through the Palace of Gold and the hopeful expansion of his empire as a result. However, evidently, the 'legal authorities' did not agree and were crouched and waiting to pounce.

In the recent discussions, the devotees have understandably focused on the various roles of the other devotees involved. Yet the untold story is the role of the secret government agents in New Vrndavana, only one of which was Gorby. The role of those agents was a major factor in the murder of Sulocana dasa; as the law enforcement authorities their actual duty was to stop this murder and protect Sulocana but they did the exact opposite. Understandably Mr. Stein would like to keep this quiet and maybe he even feels a certain shame in his heart about the nefarious government role. This is perhaps balanced by the satisfaction he feels at helping the Hare Krishnas get Kirtanananda out of the picture – that is something that the New Vrndavana management would never had done.

As far as the GBC are concerned they have been in full possession of the facts of the involvement of all the New Vrndavana management since even before the murder, and so one of the conditions of Radhanatha's rubber-stamping as a 'guru' was that he should elude prosecution as one of the prime movers in the murder conspiracy. Kuladri continues with his big salary, and his latest attempt at disobedience to Srila Prabhupada is to centralize all North American temples under GBC control, so the GBC aren't going to touch him. Malati is even the GBC in New Vrndavana. All these murder conspirators of New Vrndavana have never expressed any regret or apology let alone contrition for the murder of the Sulocana dasa, who had his wife and children stolen by the cult-leader, Kirtanananda and was speaking the truth of the whole "Guru Business" fraud that they actively supported.

Yet, perhaps the most pathetic figure is actually cut by the whole GBC and their pitiable cover-up statement on this matter, when the truth is already out and well-known by all. Even if one disregards the allegations of Janmastami, in light of the recently revealed statements of Dharmatma and Tirtha and the movements of Tirtha after the murder it is quite clear Radhanath was intimately involved in the murder. This is now quite clear to all, and yet the GBC tell us that because Radhanath was not prosecuted, then he must be innocent. In the circumstances, the illogical stupidity of this assertion simply displays their desperation to cover up the actual truth of the complicity of all the then New Vrndavana management, who continue in big positions in ISKCON, GBC and guru included.

Then, to get us to comply with all this nonsense, Ravindra-svarupa openly threatens "mortal danger" to the "fault-finders". This is simply the same shameless immoral behavior and philosophical manipulation that caused the whole New Vrndavana fiasco in the first place.

Dear devotees, stay alert. Surrender to Krsna does not mean to turn off your intelligence and obey those who have confused their material motivations with service to Godhead.


# Comment #1 (Posted by Ray)

My only concern at this point is what is provable without question. That would be the NV management's knowledge of Kirtananda's atrocities. Sulocana's murder is locked up in a safe house of FBI and GBC complicity.
The FBI complicity is a dog that won't hunt at this late date because that's a really big legally protected organization.
That means a letter stating the evidence of the NV management's complicity in Kirtananda's crimes needs to be submitted to the GBC and every temple under their ersatz jurisdiction.
Legal justice seems to much to hope for, but ISKCON-wide spiritual redress is a very real possibility since the unquestionable evidence is in its favor.

# Comment #2 (Posted by Ray)

I have to add that I've come to the realization that after a while devotees who continue to acquiesce to these corrupt authorities become blameworhty. I don't want to blame those under helpless control like women and children, or the elderly. But healthy intelligent young men who can't see through the obvious lack of qualifications lead me to wondering about their sincerity/honesty.
Unless you're under military rule, authority is given, not taken. The GBC power reduces to the blind obedience of ISKCON members.
I was fooled for a few seconds at the beginning. But even before the scandals broke, so many incidents alerted me that something in New Dwaraka was very wrong. The dishonesties in business and sankirtan. A temple bhramacari in a position of authority, demanding that I hand over all money that I was 'holding'. (I told him to depend on Krsna). The list becomes endless...
I was not fooled, so why were so many taken in? I'm still not fooled, because I am able to make simple logical deductions and inferences. It actually scares me that devotees allow their intelligence to be so easily stolen. Isn't that what Maya does?