AUGUST 1 - 12,  1998

Harikesa Swami Resigns
Letter to 17 Senior Disciples of Harikesh Swami

1-8-98 - by Bhati-tirtha Swami

I presently understand what is happening to Harikesh M. better than he understands himself. This is why Srila Prabhupada himself sent me otherwise I would prefer not to be so directly involved I theses issues. By the way I have a great problem with so called confidentiality it normally means something gets around slower and perhaps even more distorted. I feel where there is profound love one only does things that are for the benefit of others and ones beloved and therefore one is ready to live with it and stand behind whatever one says or does in any environment. This is why I am thinking at some point to show this letter that I am sending you also to His Holiness Harikesh Maharaj although he will feel I have betrayed him because I did not accept his perceptions in full.

But because I know Srila Prabhupada will intervene in the future and later in this life he shall thank me for being there when he needed me the most. So in this spirit I later will also send this letter to Harikesh M. What you all do with this report as well as what Harikesh Maharaj does is all up to each of you. For what each person does Krishna and Srila Prabhupada will hold each of us responsible. I will include my recommendations in the report.


My main concern is that we all look at ourselves and at the society and try to see how to be more honest, balanced in our Krishna Consciousness and most important more caring. For the greatest issue here is a need for balance, greater intimacy and caring and ultimately more genuine Vaisnava purity and love.

Others may undergo something similar as repressed desires come up (Jagadish's case has some similarities). There are others who have gone through this extreme challenges, but not in the exact same way.
We should perhaps recognize that we as Sanyasis are like emergency workers and as guru's were like a young girl who has now become a parent she is a mother but still somewhat a child herself.


  1. Harikesh Swami is horrified of continuing a life of being alone in a room by himself.
  2. Said he never before would reveal his mind to anyone.
  3. Did not feel impressed with anyone's association and felt they had really nothing so significant to offer.
  4. More or less tolerated people, God-brothers and disciples and everything in a utilitarian way.
  5. Buried himself in the work thinking there was no need to express emotions.
  6. Was never so impressed with the institution but had powerful reciprocation with the Deity, drums and later Srila Prabhupada.
  7. Somewhat traumatic experience as a child i.e, other children used to laugh at his poor dressing, and he had to protect his sister from his father who tried to kill her because he was somewhat crazy from the war. He also had a poor relationship with his mother.
  8. Felt jealously for the first time in his life, in an incident regarding the woman therapist (previously he did not allow himself to have deep emotions).
  9. Sees himself at times as some Vishnu tattva incarnation or other specially high empowered entity far beyond his actual empowerment.
  10. (A) Confuses some human desires as transcendental and builds an entire wall around such as seemingly a way to interpret and justify his repressed desires coming forward.
    (B) For instance, sees the therapist Monica as being far greater that she actually is (an expansion of Radharani), as well as her son (he thinks her son is an incarnation of Srila Prabhupada).
  11. He is always under some subtle attacks but has the power to withstand these attacks specially when his spiritual immune system is strong. Chittesvar helped some in the past, but has little or no value presently. Even if all sinister are stopped, his biggest problem will still remain. The black magic is not the real issue nor his poor physical health nor his poor mental health. It would be nice if we just remove a curse or bring in a psychiatrist to remove mental instability and he would be the same again, but it is more complex than this as we are dealing with more of human factor along with the other problems.
  12. The woman therapist, Monica, is a very powerful entity who has a host of non manifested spiritual guides who instruct her, she is full of compassion. She was definitely sent to initially help him. She was used to saved his life. She is very good for giving care to the physical and subtle body but knows little of the soul or transcendental matters.
  13. He is pushing vigorously for them to live together in a house. Previously he wanted to married her, but she is not into it as she wants her freedom but she is ready to live with him as his partner.
  14. If he does join up with her the most likely thing is that after he fully recovers, either he will leave her or she will leave him, they will both have suffered tremendously.
  15. Although she saved his life and is definitely a special, empowered pious being, if she was not with him (in his present state) there would probably be some other woman he would now transfer his attachment to by thinking that she is also some divine entity.
  16. The reflections about a woman in his life was there before his recent collapse it seemed to be one of the factors that helped bring on the breakdown along with about 10 or more other factors of which perhaps the LOSS OF MONEY being the flame that lit the fire.
  17. Since his near death experience he has lost practically all previous distinctions to past services and commitments. He is even thinking he should have a different name. He says "Harikesa Swami has died, and he as we have known him is not coming back".


  1. He has not in anyway lost his attachment for Srila Prabhupada and Krsna. He says it has increased but he is not longer caught in the externals and distinctions like before.
  2. He goes to the temple everyday and spends 30 minutes or more looking at the deities.
  3. He is chanting many rounds everyday, feels his chanting is better than ever.
  4. Has Srila Prabhupada's kirtanas tapes on 24 hours a day.
  5. Is totally concerned about the welfare of the children.
  6. The majority of the time when he is not very depressed or thinking to be a big Ishvara or reincarnation, he has wonderful realizations.
  7. I feel that he will come out of this a more genuine and caring person with feelings who will later continue in certain big services for Srila Prabhupada. Some disciples will obviously leave him. But after the initial shock, many will be with him to assist him in his transition and later services. Several of you of the 17 I have been personally encouraging to see this as a general who is wounded. Now he needs your care and love more than ever before.
  8. Disciples and the whole movement must look closer to see what Krsna and Srila Prabhupada is telling us, that this has happens to one of his top soldiers at such time. I for one am even more convinced than ever why we must have more genuine communication, more applied training, more honesty and most importantly more loving caring relations, without an acceleration in these areas, our institution ( i.e. the external international organization)_ is over.
  9. One of the best ways to look at his problems is that he is like a person who sacrificed to get a Ph.D. Degree, and then once he achieved these goals he started looking back at what he gave up and what he perhaps missed and now wants to explore experiences and revisit certain concerns due to being presently unfulfilled.
  10. He is empowered in so many areas, actually this problem he is facing was really things coming up for him to transcend to become a guru or even much higher orders. In other words, he and several others when being given a chance to accelerate did not always pass the test fully and therefore may experience a temporary set back. We all must have so much to come out before us, before we are finished up in this lifetime. There is often gross deep other stuff to completely transcend.
    I pray that when I have my test, some devotee will be sent to help me preferably kick me through some of the last stagnation's. Or even better perhaps, one who has gone through such spiritual crisis, spiritual madness, dark night of the soul, will understand my desperation and will guide me through it.
  11. Harikesh Maharaj has said that the therapist Monica and I are the only ones who understand him. If she is abruptly taken away he will commit suicide or totally withdraw. He has absolutely no desire to live without her.
  12. If he feels that I have actually betrayed him he may also have a mental crises and or will take even more shelter of Monica.
  13. I have helped put him together somewhat, i.e. grounded him tremendously, giving him more reason to trust and try to appreciate more his disciples and have more reason to live. However, he is very paranoid of others and can become paranoid of me, I think if I stay around too much longer. So it is important for me to maintain a relationship as his first real friend rather than Monica. I feel that it is best for me to spend a few more days with him and then let him know I am leaving, but will stay in touch and return at some later date.
  14. I feel that I did just I was supposed to do- help refocus him somewhat, help bring out more love and understanding from some key disciples and assist Monica. Now I feel that it is between him and Srila Prabhupada, i.e. for Srila Prabhupada to personally intervene.
  15. Hari Sauri prabhu should come as soon as possible, since he is familiar with major aspects of the problems and they are old friends. Abhiram Prabhu should also come soon.
  16. His total healing may take months or even years. I think that at some point it may be good for him to be totally away from any old surroundings. Perhaps he along with one or two key disciples could come to Gita Nagari where I have trained devotees who put caring foremost and as I have disciples who are devotees and trained therapists as well as devotee medical doctors and can see that he gets good physical, psychological and spiritual care. As he also has very strong attachment to the Radha Damodar Deities there, this could be an alternative for the future. I have mentioned this to him but he seemed uninterested.
  17. Today he is going in for a cancer check up so he may even have an additional problem.
  18. There are many other things that I could have reported, but I feel that this report is a good balance and summary. He has requested all to stop sending negative attacks on Monica, but to accept him and her together it is the disciples choice to stay with him and not.
  19. If any one needs more detailed clarification please contact Gurushakti as he is most aware of all details.
  20. I have asked Harikesh Maharaj to write a message to the devotees as soon as possible.

    Your servant,
    Bhakti-tirtha Swami


Letter from Harikesa Disciples

02-08-98 - by Gurushakti das

Dear Godbrothers and Godsisters, PAMHO All glories to Sri Visnupada.

This letter is written from your Godbrothers Gurusakti and Padmanabha. Gurusakti has been with Sri Visnupada since one week, Padmanabha came 3 days ago.

The purpose of this writing is to help clear any misunderstandings regarding the present situation of Sri Visnupada. One of the things this letter will NOT do, is give you any final descriptions. Things are changing and none of us can forsee the future. Most of you of course know of his physical breakdown and have heard various things about what happened thereafter. What we attempt to do here is the tie all these things together and clear up any confusion.

First of all he actually left his body a few weeks ago, he died. Just as described in the SB, he systematically let everything go as he realized he was to leave his body. However after leaving the body and stopping breathing, he was called back when Kasiraja shook his body. He says because of his attachment to Kasiraja he came back. Because of having given up all the atachments to his body, the re-entry meant again an adjustment. Of course he is the same person who we always had among us. But the whole process he has undergone in the recent weeks has forced him to re-evaluate his position. In another way however is not the "same" person. That is the situation has opened up parts of his personality which have been hidden to us over the years. Parts which he himself had supressed. We need no mention any details about his intense feeling for Srila Prabhupada and the endeavor for Prabhupada's mission. All these he has done without any regard for his own personal needs.

In the past few years he again started preaching the importance of Varna Asrama dharma, of which one of the basic principles is that everyone become properly situated, taking care of one's personal needs in other to be able to perform devotional service nicely. He was preaching this point and encouraging others to do this, simultaneously taking up more and more managerial responsability. One could perhaps said that he made the mistake of thinking he could manage and preach ISKCON into Varnasrama dharma. But now Krsna has made the arrangement that Sri Visnupada can became the example of this.

That means there are 2 things happening here simultaneously (not unusual for Krsna). First (as Hrdayananda Maharaja so nicely pointed out) Krsna has heard our prayers that Sri Visnupada finally stop working so hard and take care of himself. So Krsna has shown him that he needs to take care of his whole person.. Secondly, the individual members of ISKCON can see from this example how important it is to situate themselves properly, and take care of their individual needs in order to be able to perform a lifetime of service. It is pretty obvious that many things in ISKCON need to change and there have been many in the recent years who have been able to actually efect some of that change. But in terms of VAD we still have a long way to go. VAD cannot be managed from the GBC. It can only come if we individual devotees accept our own dharma and connect that with Krsna.

Because we have so many false conceptions about what renunciation is- even what spiritual life is/ we have not ALLOWED ourselves to do this. Thus we ourselves are standing in the way of our own dharma. There may be many specific reasons for our own personal delays-philosophical misunderstanding or social pressure are often important factors here. But now this will all be wiped away by the example of Sri Visnupada.
Now we are not talking about any DIVINE LILA here. We are talking about an extremely powerful, advanced person, who by Krsna's arrangement will be able to offer more of his own self to Krsna, by first accept that side of himself into his own life.

We are not talking here about any kind of fall-down. There is a woman involved. Her name is Monika. She is the healer who was able to give Sri Visnupada the power to remain in his body and stay with us. She is also the person whom Krsna used as the instrument to reveal to him his feelings. The feelings which he thought he should ignore in his service to Prabhupada, but the same feelings which Krsna ultimately wants each of us to feel towards Him. He sees his meeting her as the arrangement of Srimati Radharani. Of course in this regard there is some confusion. In the several days after his death, he was sometimes in the body, sometimes not. Sometimes having spiritual visions, sometimes dealing with his intense phisical pain. During this time he made statements and did things which were very confusing to those around him. And we can be very thankful to Krsna that there were so many nice devotees who were there and continued to serve him. It's pretty difficult to imagine what really is goi
I myself have never left my body for even a moment, what to speak of all this. Sri Visnupada said that the breakdown of 1987 was "peanuts" in comparison with this one. In any case because of all this confusion some of you may have even heard that he thinks he is Krsna and she is Radharani, but there is no such idea here. His behavior in the past days is completely normal. In other words a very steady positive evolution has taken place over the last weeks. After meeting her for the first time I said to Sri Visnupada, "she doesn't look like Radharani". And we all had a good laugh.
Of course he is feeling a lot of affection for Monika and may even work together with her in the future. These things are at present not yet clear. But he doesn't feel any need for (or any identification with) the ashrama of sannyasa. At the same time there is no talk of marriage- just some working relationship. She is obviously a very powerful healer. Indeed his progress in the last few days has been remarkable. He has starting taking longer walks (at a good pace). Today he was even cooking for himself. No medicines have any reaction whatsoever - we went through his whole medicine box and nothing worked except one oil for headache, everything else was useless, but the treatment he gets from her are showing wonderful results - try cooking lunch for 8 people if you have a back problem! The prasadam was really good - a little to spicy for some, but really good.
Many devotees are waiting for some statement or some instruction from Sri Visnupada, but that may not come. What instructions? So many instructions are there already. They don't need any instructions. Some message? Tell them I'm trying to be happy.

There is of course a little more than that. In the last days he has often mentioned that everyone should look at themselves and evaluate their own situation. I took this instruction in 2 ways;
1) as mentioned above in terms of VAD and
2) recently he told me that he never could really differentiate among his disciples, but that now because of the recent changes he could easily see our motivations and that some are simply using him and his position for their own power and benefit.

So I undestood the instruction to alsomean, "Am I one of the disciples who is trying to serve Sri Visnupada, or I using him for my sense gratification".

Finally, he does need some little time for himself now and we are confident, that if we allow him that time. We will in the future get so much in return. He is not in Maya, he is not crazy, he is just adjusting his life. Do you need to adjust yours?

If you want to talk to us, use these telephone numbers

Padmanabha (Germany)+ 49 / 8586 - 917656

Gurusakti ( France) +33 / 384728235 or 384826748


New Allegations Against Harikesa

02-08-98  - VNN has received the following document. The first paragraph was apparently written by Harikesa das and sent to Harikesa disciples by Bhaktavatsala Das (HKS secretary). The last paragraph was written by the person who submitted the document to VNN:

(start document)
Text Com: 1541999
From : Bhaktavatsala Das (HKS secretary)
Date : 28th July'98. 9.44am
To : SV Disciples (1492)
Sub : Further communication from Sri Vishnupada.

I have heard some very disturbing reports about statements about me from Kasiraj Das and Amboda dd. There is nothing worse than trying to hurt another person maliciously as they are doing. Although I still love them they are acting against their own and my best interest. Actually they are projecting their own desires, needs and fantasies on me as many are doing around the world. Most devotees are not stable and are sick to a greater or lesser degree, I request you at this time to look deep within yourselves and carefully examine your own hearts and motivations and not project your conceptions on me.

The above is in reference to when Harikesh Swami entered into Amboda dd's trailer while she was asleep and started to fondle and undress her. Amboda dd was shocked and she asked him when this was going to stop and Harikesh Swami replied that it never had to stop, it could go on eternally since she was his Rukmini. She ran out of the trailer. Kasiraj Das and his wife Amboda dd have been sincere and faithful servants for many years and at present are in hiding since their lives are in danger due to the above letter from Harikesh Sawmi.  (end document)


Srila Prabhupada about "Sri Visnupada"

03-08-98 - by Krishnadas

"As mentioned previously, a disciple should always respect the spiritual master as a manifestation of Sri Krsna, but at the same time one should always remember that a spiritual master is never authorized to imitate the transcendental pastimes of the lord. False spiritual masters pose themselves as identical with Sri Krsna in every respect to exploit the sentiments of their disciples, but such impersonalists can only mislead their disciples, for their ultimate aim is to become one with the Lord. This is against the principles of the devotional cult." (CC Adi, 1.46p)

"Unfortunately in this Age of Kali there are many mundane persons in the dress of Vaisnavas, and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has described them as disciples of Kali. He says, kali-cela. He indicates that there is another Vaisnava, a pseudo-Vaisnava with tilaka on his nose and kanthi beads around his neck. Such a pseudo-Vaisnava associates with money and women and is jealous of successful Vaisnavas. Although passing for a Vaisnava, his only business is earning money in the dress of a Vaisnava. Bhaktivinoda Thakura therefore says that such a pseudo-Vaisnava is not a Vaisnava at all but a disciple of Kali-yuga. A disciple of Kali cannot become an acarya by the decision of some high court. Mundane votes have no jurisdiction to elect a Vaisnava acarya. A Vaisnava acarya is self-effulgent, and there is no need for any court judgment." (CC Madhya, 1.220p)

"Actual blissful life, manifested in genuine spiritual laughing, crying and dancing, is the symptom of real advancement in Krsna consciousness, which can be achieved by a person who always voluntarily engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. If one who is not yet developed imitates such symptoms artificially, he creates chaos in the spiritual life of human society." (CC Adi, 7.88p)

What one needs to do, as soon as he recognizes his mistake:

"According to revealed scriptures, a teacher or spiritual master is liable to be rejected if he proves himself unworthy of the position of a guru or spiritual master." (SB, 1.7.43p)

"Anyone who is supposed to be a guru but who goes against the principle of visnu-bhakti cannot be accepted as guru. If one has falsely accepted such a guru, one should reject him. [...] Srila Jiva Gosvami has advised that such a useless guru, a family priest acting as guru, should be given up, and that the proper, bona-fide guru should be accepted." (SB, 8.20.1p)

What is going to happen, if one doesn't reject the false guru:

"One cannot become happy by accepting a false guru." (SB, 5.14.13p)

"The sahajiyas' understanding of the love affairs between Radha and Krsna is not bona fide because they do not follow the principles laid down by the six Gosvamis. Their illicit connection and their imitation of the dress of Rupa Gosvami as well as their avoidance of the prescribed methods of revealed scriptures will lead them to the lowest regions of hell. These imitative sahajiyas are cheated and unfortunate. They are not equal to advanced devotees (paramahamsas). Debauchees and paramahamsas are not on the same level." (CC, Madhya 22.153p)

Srila Prabhupada never appointed Harikesa Maharaja to be a full-fledged spiritual master. He appointed him to be ritvik-representative of the acarya. This is someone, who the GBC has to remove, if there is falldown and deviation. To appoint, remove or punish an acarya or saviour is demoniac, but there is no problem to do this with an official priest. Unfortunately the GBC itself has gone against the order of Srila Prabhupada and can't help Harikesa. The real illness of Harikesa is that he has gone against the order of Srila Prabhupada. Therefore the only really effective medicine is to follow the order of the acarya and continue the system of initiation as it has been established by Srila Prabhupada himself. Hare Krishna!



The GBC is Incoherent

 03-08-98 - A Letter to Harikesa, by Narasimha das

Dear Harikesa Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It is with great concern for your welfare and that of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON that I write you this letter. I pray that you are able to receive it and hear it carefully. I have heard reports from Bhaktitirtha Swami and Badrinarayana das of your nervous breakdown and your lapses into insanity. I fear that without the association of sincere devotees who are free of the illicit ambition that has haunted you for many years, you have no hope for recovery in this life. Rather you will sink deeper into delusion, as did Jayatirtha, Ramesvara, Bhagavan, Jagadisa, Bhavananda, and many others.

Before Srila Prabhupada became sick in 1977, few leaders in ISKCON dared to imagine themselves holding an absolute position in Lord Chaitanya’s movement like Srila Prabhupada’s. Some GBC secretaries, and perhaps you as well, started thinking of themselves as gurus when they felt that Srila Prabhupada would soon depart. These persons then deliberately contaminated other leading preachers with their ambitions. When Srila Prabhupada surprised them one day by asking if he should leave this world or stay longer, they didn’t know how to respond. Then, later, they made a plot to suppress Srila Prabhupada’s clear order. With much intrigue, after Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance, they convinced other leaders in ISKCON and the rank and file devotees that they had been appointed as Srila Prabhupada’s successor acaryas. The rest is an ongoing sad history.

It is due to your participation in this offensive plot to depose Srila Prabhupada as Acarya of ISKCON that you suffer so severely today. To maintain your bogus position, you have offended many devotees. You have fallen from sannyasa and put your faith in a karmi woman, just as Maharaja Bharata became attached to an insignificant deer. Maharaja Bharata had to die alone and take birth again twice--first as an animal, then as the great devotee Jada Bharata. Your situation is far more dangerous. You are not a great devotee like Maharaj Bharata, whose only fault was his sentimental soft heart. Actually Maharaja Bharata was faultless, but he enacted this pastime to show the danger of even slight deviation or inattention on the devotional path. (There is no such pastime of a Vaisnava Acarya falling down, because their position, like Krsna’s, is infallible.)

In spite of your precarious position, your so-called friends in the gbc, eager to preserve their own false positions, want to bolster you artificially and encourage you to continue thinking of yourself as the spiritual master. Even now, knowing full well your fallen condition, they refer to you as “Sri Visnupada” -- just to encourage you and your followers. But then they tell us you need professional help from a non devotee. They think you are haunted by ghosts or under a curse, but they refuse to admit that you are a severe offender of Vaisnavas and Srila Prabhupada, just as they are. They have little faith in the holy name or actual sadhu-sanga. Yet they insist they, too, are Vaisnava Acaryas. If they were actually gurus and you were actually a guru, why would they say you need help from a non devotee? Are Gaudiya Vaisnava spiritual masters impotent? Have you lost all faith in the association of actual devotees? If you are only surrounded by malicious persons in the dress of Vaisnavas, this is may be the case.

The title “Visnupada” is identical to the title “Prabhupada.” Srila Prabhupada explains that “Prabhu” refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and “pada” means “one who has taken the position.” Thus “Visnupada” or “Prabhupada” is a title reserved for the Vaisnava Acarya, the Jagat Guru, who takes the position of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna. It is understood from many scriptural references that the Acarya, by dint of divine empowerment, is equally as powerful as Sri Krsna Himself. Lord Krsna says the Acarya must be considered as His very Self. The sad-guru possesses the same power and authority as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is not a matter of etiquette for the disciples only (that they must see their guru in this way), but the actual fact for all to appreciate. Everyone must respect the authority of the Acarya, or they will become degraded -- offenders and blasphemers of God. Unless world leaders and people in general respect Srila Prabhupada and his mission, we can expect WW3 and other cataclysms in due course. Unfortunately, due to your gross misrepresentation of the sacred post of Vaisnava Acarya, even so-called devotees constantly minimize Srila Prabhupada.

You have demanded that innocent devotees worship and adore you on the same level as Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krsna. This is a grave offense. You have encouraged and supported the GBC’s ongoing deviation from Vaisnava siddhanta. The GBC claims that anyone can be guru by a concocted voting process conducted by neophyte devotees without any order from Srila Prabhupada. They claim that great personalities like Lord Brahma and Dhruva Maharaja sometimes become polluted by lust and anger and thus fall down. Like the deprogrammers, they say that by working hard in Krsna’s service, one may become sick or insane, like you have. Nonetheless, they deny you are fallen, or that you have become offensive, greedy, and lusty. They suggest that Srila Prabhupada was not, or could not be, completely cognizant or capable of accepting disciples after his disappearance. They say that his system of initiations is bogus, a deviation from Vedic tradition. They have meager faith in the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, genuine sadhus, or Srila Prabhupada. Therefore your gbc “friends” want to hide your fall down. They say your situation and distress is a complex issue, involving black magic, curses, and your staunch detachment from bodily concerns and unalloyed devotion to ISKCON.

Rather than admit your actual problems, your GBC associates want to see you continue to get therapy from a mundane woman who, like Srimati Putana, may be only a witch disguised as a caring mother. This woman refuses to even marry you. She can only poison you with her so-called motherly affection. Yet you eagerly drink this poison and risk losing everything you hold dear. To save face for themselves, the GBC continues to twist the philosophy of Krsna consciousness. They do this to explain how it might be possible for a bona fide Vaisnava guru to become a raving lunatic, mad after a mundane woman.

I am begging you to wake up from your slumber and shake off your delusion. Then you should beg for the forgiveness of all your Godbrothers and -sisters and so-called disciples, the way Hansdutta prabhu and others have done. Srila Prabhupada said one can be guru when he is ordered by his guru. Srila Prabhupada gave many orders and instructions, and he created many titles and positions for his ambitious disciples, but he never told you or anyone else to take the position of diksa-guru in ISKCON. (Even Sri Gadadhara Pandit said he was unable to initiate without a direct order from Lord Chaitanya.) You have effectively cheated the mass of uneducated devotees, but you cannot cheat Srila Prabhupada or Lord Chaitanya or devotees who have carefully studied Srila Prabhupada’s books. Srila Prabhupada has warned that one who imitates a mahabhagavata will become degraded. Your case is one more proof of Srila Prabhupada’s warning.

Therefore I am requesting you to help us end this farcical guru charade that has disturbed the spiritual lives of so many devotees and threatened to break ISKCON into hundreds of mundane cults. How much longer will you play a part in this madness? Have you suffered enough? Or will you continue to pose as the sad-guru, who must be adored like Srila Prabhupada and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna? Why not tell your followers to learn to take shelter of Srila Prabhupada directly?

Regarding your ailments, real and imagined, I suggest you stay with sincere Godbrothers for a few months in the divine forests of The Sahyadri. There you can chant loudly and constantly and bathe thrice daily in the holy waters of these unpolluted divine tirthas. You will quickly gain clarity in this way and feel great relief. Lord Krsna’s son Sambha was once cursed by some powerful Vaisnavas because he was proud of his beauty. As a result he was covered in sores that made him miserable and ugly. He was relieved of this curse immediately by bathing in the Kumara Dhara at Sri Kshetra Subrahmanya. We have a nice ashram in the jungle there. Once Srimati Aditi Devi, mother of the demigods, was cursed to become a raksasini. She, too, was relieved of this curse just by arriving at Sri Subrahmanya Tirtha and seeing the holy Kumara Parvat. Unlike most other tirthas in India, whose potency has now become covered by commercialism and sin (the way iskcon has in recent years), these tirthas are still potent and pure. They were revived by Srila Madhvacarya and are preserved even today by his brother Sri Visnutirtha, who still resides in these divine forest, along with Sri Parasurama, Sri Kumara Guru, and Sri Agastya Maharishi. Of course, Sri Dham Mayapur is the most powerful of tirthas, but due to your implication in iskcon politics and past offenses there, you may be unable to appreciate or benefit from this fact, physically or mentally, for the time being.

The actual cause of your suffering is quite simple. You have committed a grave offense by ignoring Srila Prabhupada’s order and misleading the whole movement for the sake of your illicit desire. You have imitated Srila Prabhupada by assuming an absolute position in ISKCON and accepting worship from Vaisnavas. You have plotted against and tried to harm devotees whom you saw as threats to your illegal power. Until you sincerely regret your offense and apologize, you will find no relief, even if you could go to Visnuloka, as did Druvasa Muni, who offended Maharaja Ambarish. Even Lord Vishnu Himself said He was unable to help Druvasa Muni. Yet the gbc says you can get relief from your therapist or some other professional. They are as incoherent as you have been and are thus totally unable to help you or give you proper advice.

I hope this meets you well. Your servant and old friend,

Narasimha das


Save Harikesha Swami

04-08-98 - by Citrakara dasa

As a medically trained person and from the various reports of concerned and caring godbrothers I dare to diagnose that Harikesha Swami suffers from schizophrenia. The Etiology, pathogenesis and symptoms are quiet evident. Anybody in similar circumstances and the given constitution could fall ill with it. There is no blemish attached to falling ill! We are not living in the middle ages when the mentally ill were treated as outcasts. But, this being a severe mental disorder, he needs proper medical attention immediately. Those who claim to love him should take him at once to a proper institution.

He cannot be made responsible for whatever he says or does and must therefore get protected at all cost. Obviously, no mentally ill person will voluntarily march into a closed psychiatric hospital and will threaten his relatives or caretakers with dire consequences. But who will be responsible if Harikesha Swami commits suicide which is very likely?

I am unhappy to state, that in all cases of schizophrenia I have treated with Ayurveda, it was not possible to do without modern medication in the initial stages. In an emergency situation it is perfectly justified to prescribe modern psychopharmaceutical preparations. When the danger of doing harm to oneself and others is controlled, those medications can be phased out or minimized and get replaced with Ayurveda therapies and medications. It will be a prolonged and arduous way to recovery.

We should have learned our lesson by now with the fact that we have nursed to death Srila Prabhupada. Do you want to repeat it? Why you bring in the same caring but medically incompetent people to take care of him and issue great statements! All you well meaning but ignorant fools, for the sake of the life of my well-wiser Harikesha Swami, step out of the way and let him get well. Besides, how many of you hope to get a chunk of the ailing emperors assets? I am so terribly upset about this repetition of history.

Here, a word of advice for the so called therapist Monica. Did you ever hear of the oath of Hippocratic or the vows that the disciples of the great Ayurveda Acharyas like Sushruta and Caraka had to take? You seem to have transgressed all medical ethics by agreeing to live or marry your patient. You must give a proper medical report of the nature of therapies you have applied and the feed back you have received from your patient to a competent medical doctor. It is more than natural that a patient will respond the way Harikesh Swami is responding to you while nursing him in his condition. You must most certainly know that. He cannot be made responsible for his show of affection towards you. You must also know of the standard procedure in such cases and not keep proper medical care away from him so that your position of command will be enhanced (and all this in the name of saving his life - any psychiatrist can save his life by giving him proper medication!). I have treated thousands of patients. A majority of them woman. But nobody threatened to kill herself if I was not going to marry them. And mind you, I had hundreds of highly neurotic, depressive and even schizophrenic patients.

Why most persons in ISKCON think arrogantly that they are more expert in any given field then the rest of the universe and marginalize advice from well meaning professionals or interpret it to suit their means? My humble appeal to all the disciples of Harikesha Swami and my godbrothers is to please provide proper medical treatment to my friend Harikesha Swami. After a few weeks in a closed and protected medical environment, he will positively improve. Let go of your desires of controlling this suffering man's life and fortune. Everybody should stop bad talk and gossip. His foes should not rejoice in his ailment. It is terribly unethical to make fun or exploit a handicapped person.

I would gladly offer my expertise to help Harikesha Swami at all times and without condition.
With my best wishes for the well-being of all of Shrila Prabhupada's family.

Your humble servant
Citrakara dasa


Let's Not "Diagnose" Harikesa Swami

05-08-98 - by Madhusudani Radha dd

First of all I would like to concur with two of the points made by Citrakara Prabhu in his text "Saving Harikesa Swami". 1) it is very important that we not assign any stigma or blame to devotees who are mentally ill and 2) it is crucial that they receive appropriate professional care.

However, I find it inappropriate for Citrakara Prabhu to diagnose Harikesa Swami with schizophrenia at this point. I do not know what specific background that leads Citrakara Prabhu to call himself medically trained. No respectable mental health professional would make a diagnosis based on the paucity of data available and they certainly would not broadcast such a diagnosis all over cyberspace. I'm sure he means well and, as already stated above, I fully agree with the need to involve trained professionals in the assessment and treatment of Harikesa Swami. Citrakara speaks of forced hospitalization. Unfortunately, this is not always an option. Most western countries have civil rights laws that specify exactly when you are allowed to take this drastic action. Harikesa Swami would need to be assessed by a competent local professional before  hospitalization would even be considered an option.

Based on my training (PhD in clinical psychology) and work with numerous individuals displaying psychotic symptoms such as delusions, I would also like to urge all readers not to jump to any conclusions regarding the diagnosis of Harikesa Swami. That could be both harmful and hurtful. Not only are there other mental health diagnoses (such as the major mood disorders) that can produce the delusional symptoms described, but there are also many medical conditions that can cause them. Such conditions include primarily neurological, metabolic, and endocrine disorders or cancer. I am *not* saying that harikesa Swami suffers from any of these disorders, or even if he is, that they are indeed causing his symptoms. It is simply important that we do not jump the gun and assign labels which may be hard to remove, even if later found to be incorrect.

So let's not "diagnose" Harikesa Swami in the absence of sufficient data, but let us pray that his team of caretakers are able to get him to appropriately trained professionals who can conduct the tests needed to identify and treat the cause of his symptoms. And yes, let us stop the "gossip."


Letter to All Disciples of Harikesha

06-08-98 - by Pariksit das

Dear disciples of Harikesh,

I am writing this letter to you out of great concern for your spiritual wellbeing.

Please do not become disturbed by the present activities of your fallen guru. This great spectacle about your guru is certainly arranged by higher authorities to test your faith in Krishna and Srila Prabhupada, who is the only real guru for all disciples in Iskcon. At the present time of confusion and chaos you should solely take shelter at Srila Prabhupada's feet where you will find solace and refuge. If you do so you will not become bewildered. Harikesha's fall down is not because of to much devotional service, as some idiot GBC might tell you, but due to countless offences Harikesha has committed to Srila Prabhupada, Krishna and the devotees in general.

The greatest offence is, of course, cheating you, his own disciples, by posing as an appointed Prabhupad successor acarya, when in fact Srila Prabhupada never appointed him to such a position.

This was confirmed by Tamal Krishna on 30 December, l980. Tamal Krishna said: "Actually, Prabhupada never appointed any gurus. He didn't appoint eleven gurus. He appointed eleven ritviks. He never appointed them gurus. Myself and the other GBC's have done the greatest dis-service to this movement the last three years (21 now!) because we interpreted the appointment of ritviks as the appointment of gurus".

The above statement was made in the presence of many witnesses, and was also recorded on tape which are known as the Topanga Canyon conversations. Harikesha has tried stealing you away from Srila Prabhupada's feet, by preaching bogus philosophy to you, telling you that you need him as a living guru, thus denying you any relationship with the dead guru Prabhupad. This "current link" philosophy preached by Harikesha and others, is totally bogus. Srila Prabhupada himself said that those reason ill who think that vaisnavas die.

Since Harikesha has never been authorised to be guru and accept own disciples, he is nothing but a conditioned soul only; by imitating Srila Prabhupada his fall down was foreseeable, a question of time only. To worship and adore a conditioned soul on the same level as Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krsna is a grave offence.

Now Krishna has given you such a good opportunity to re-establish your relationship with Srila Prabhupada who is the sampradaya-acarya for all Iskcon devotees. I beg you to take shelter at his feet and allow him to enter your heart. He is not dead but capable of relating to you directly via his vani. This will also help reliving the burden you are posing for Harikesa. You need not worship a fallen sanyasi who wants to marry his Karmi massage therapist. You also should stop addressing Harikesha das with the tile of "Visnupada" and remove his pictures from the temples altars. The title "Visnupada" refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is reserved for the Vaisnava Acarya, the Jagat Guru, who represents the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, not for conditioned souls or fallen sanyasis.

The second great offence of Harikesh is his court case against a Prabhupada appointed BBT-Trusty, thus dragging Srila Prabhupada into the disgusting realm of karmi courts, strip him naked of all dignity, and operate on his heart in open public, misusing Prabhupada's own money, just to sue a life long trustee (Hansadutta) to the original BBT, because he printed and distributed Prabhupada's books, as ordered by his guru, without Harikesh's permission. Harikesha has set up a counterfeit bogus BBT-I Inc., trying to contest Prabhupadas own originally created BBT in court, trying to degrade Srila Prabhupada to a mere scribbling of Iskcon and a hired servant of the BBT-I Inc., suing Prabhupada's lifelong appointed trusties, changing Prabhupadas original books, and publishing Bhagavad Gita as it is not. Besides setting up a perverted "living guru" system and preaching bogus philosophy, Harikesh is also responsible for hundreds of devotees being thrown out of Prabhupad's Society for Krishna Consciousness, thus committing serious vaishnava-aparadhas. Since Harikesha has never been a bonafide guru, you were never his disciples either. I therefore like to urge all of you to take initiation from Srila Prabhupada through the ritvik-system, as explained in the letter of 9. July 77.  Don't let the other self-appointed gurus fool you to take re-initiation from them. This is unbonafide. Srila Prabhupada says: "It is always forbidden to take more then one initiating spiritual master". So please take proper initiation from Srila Prabhupada through the ritvik-system, which Prabhupada ordered us to do, and which is already performed by different Prabhupad disciples world wide.

Lastly I like to request all of you, not to follow your so called guru into insanity, by disguising his fall downs as the Lila of Radha and Krishna, or bring up any other nonsense excuses to cover up Harikesa's madness. You should face the truth of his fallen condition and not concoct something else. His having fallen from sannyasa and putting up faith in a karmi woman is definitely not divine but very materialistic, having to do with mundane sex life. In his lectures Harikesha told that it was a trend in Iskcon that sannyasis changed to gihasta asrama, and then again sannyas, and again grihastas and so on, comparing it to vomit. Why is he eating his own vomit now? What has it to do with Krishna Consciousness? Please Padmanabha and Gurusakti stop your nonsense explanation that Harikesha's meeting with Monika is seen by him as the arrangement of Srimati Radharani. Are you nuts? How can a mere Karmi lady, whom you Iskcon-machos and woman-hater despise in your lectures, give Harikesha the power to remain in his body and stay with us. I thought Krishna is the controller. Please stop your nonsense philosophy of comparing the feelings of Krishna to his devotees with the feelings of a karmi woman to a fallen sanyasi, attracted to sex life. -stop it - you all must be insane to talk like this. Immediately stop your misrepresentation of our spotless philosophy. You need not totally bent, twist and drag our divine philosophy to the mundane realms, just trying to inappropriately protect your fallen so called guru.

Further you state that Kasiraja, by shaking the body of Harikesh, brought him back to life, after he had already left his body. "In the several days after his death, he was sometimes in the body, sometimes not. Sometimes having spiritual visions, sometimes dealing with his intense physical pain. During this time he made statements and did things which were very confusing to those around him".

Please note that this situation has nothing to do with a Bhagavatam pastime. Harikesha is heavily possessed by ghosts going in and out of his body thus causing his mental derangement. Every one can understand these symptoms. His ghostly possession, known to many devotees all over the word, is a reaction of all the voodoo-doodoo-shit he did to other devotees. Madness and insanity is always associated with ghosts and is the result of misusing ones power and position. Hey, Padmanabha and Gurusakti, don't interpret this to suit your means.

You can fool all people sometimes and some people all times, but not all people all the time. Harikesh has to pay back now, for all the sinful activities he committed in the name of Guru and Krishna . What is the problem to understand ? The only thing which can save him now is a public apology, asking the devotees for forgiveness for all the offences he committed.

Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada
Pariksit das



Subject: For immediate release to all com users and chakra
8 August, 1998
The Executive Committee learned yesterday that Harikesa Swami has, without his knowledge, been regularly taking powerful psychotropic medications for the last ten years.

In 1988, Chitesvara dasa, a well-known tantric healer from Orissa, prescribed daily doses of a therapeutic powder that he provided to Harikesa Swami.

Harikesa Swami took it daily until February 1998, when he abruptly stopped taking the medicine. Chitesvara said the blue-colored powder, which he called "vibhuti," was the ash left from his fire yajna.

However, a state criminal forensic laboratory in Sweden reported on August 5th that the powder contained two commercially manufactured psychotropic drugs. They are Trifluoperazine (brand name, Stelazine), which is an antianxiety and antipsychotic drug. The other drug, Trihexyphenidyl (brand name, Artaine) is an anti-parkinsonian medication. Its purpose seems to be to counteract the side effects of Stelazine, which sometimes produces symptoms characteristic of Parkinson's disease.

Devotees who had become suspicious of the "vibhuti" submitted it for forensic analysis.

A psychiatrist consulted about the drugs and their possible effect on Harikesa Swami said that Harikesa's recent extreme behavior was typical of the effect of a sudden withdrawal from the medication contained in the "vibhuti." Physicians are careful to reduce the dosage of these drugs gradually, he said. Otherwise, there is a great danger of an induced psychosis He described Harikesa Swami's recent behavior as "episodic paranoid schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations." This, he said, is a the kind of reaction produced by abrupt withdrawal from the drugs found in the "vibhuti."

The Executive Committee arranged yesterday for Harikesa Swami's current therapist to be informed of these facts.

by Ravindra Svarupa dasa for the GBC Executive Committee (Text COM:1568023)


 Text COM:1568700 (9 lines)
From: Sadamarsi (das) HKS (Asst. SysOp) (NE-BBT)
Date: 08-Aug-98 14:33 To: X (All COM users) [50] Subject: From Madhava Puri
Re: Citeswara's "vibhuti" medicine.

I would like to know which devotees are presently taking Citeswar's "vibhuti" medicine (light blue/purple powder in small packages), or who has ever taken it at one point during the last 10 years.

Please reply in private letters.
(Text COM:1568700)



9-8-98 - IRG has just heard the following from our correspondent in Germany who is close to the Situation:

  1. Currently HKS was living in a mobile in Monica's garden. Things now are really getting bizarre. Couldn't be more bizarre. Monica has ordered HKS to quit her garden along with his mobile & go away. Monica is in fear that the Govt. is going to investigate & it might be discovered that she has been treating HKS & other people on commercial basis as a professional for which she has no license. As she has been messing around with other people's lives, the Govt. might come down heavily on her. She might even have to go to jail. HKS has been trying to live with her & her two boy friends, all in the same flat. He is driving Monica nuts.
  2. GBC has contacted HKS's sister in New York, she confirmed that she was murderously assaulted by her father. She also went on to say that her childhood was very painful & disastrous. She has agreed to come & meet her brother in Germany & they will both consult a psychiatrist under the auspicious of GBC.
  3. Citeswar, the ghost-buster whom HKS has been consulting for the last 13 years had been providing HKS with a Ayurvedic medicine to counter the manic depression. The GBC has had this tested & it turned out to be allopathic medicine which HKS has been taking since the last 13 years!!!
    HKS discontinued medicine in January. Subsequent to that he had a stock market crash. All along his disease has been manic depression & not ghostly haunted.
  4. Citeswar who has been milking HKS's zone for the last 13 or so years has been called to perform a yajna to remove HKS's attachment to Monica.
  5. HKS has been quite critical of Srila Prabhupada's teachings complaining why the 5 year old boys are being to sent to Gurukul schools and why women are 9 times lustier.
  6. Senior HKS disciples are currently meeting in Denmark to determine the future of their zone. There are 2 groups forming. One group of sentimentalists who say everything is 'lila' & the another group is confused but they know something is seriously wrong.  We are trying to make contact with latter group to convince them to take shelter of their real Guru - Srila Prabhupada.


Latest HKS developments

10-8-98 - From our Germany Correspondent who is close to the situation.

  1. One of HKS's key managers confirmed that HKS has successfully managed to increase $8 million to $28 million due to various investments, but that after the crash practically all of it was lost.
  2. Following the GBC report on the 'drugs' that had admitted to HKS by Citeswar, the 'ghost-buster', (see previous story) the GBC has now unwittingly opened itself up to potential lawsuits from many devotees through the years who have been administered to by Citeswar. This is because Citeswar is unlicensed and not authorised to treat devotees mental problems, but the GBC have endorsed him in this activity for many years, and thus in the process potentially caused serious harm to them. Though the GBC is now trying to make Citeswar the scapegoat for the HKS affair, they forget to mention who it is that has sponsored and encouraged him all these years. There are many letters by from Jayapataka Swami and HKS himself recommending Citeswar as an authorised person for treatment of mental & ghostly problems. Thus any devotee who has suffered as a result of being administered to by Citeswar could sue both him and the GBC for promoting him in this activity.
  3. The venue of HKS disciples which was supposed to be Denmark has been moved to Radhadesh & is currently going on. What we understand is that there are 3 groups. One group understands that HKS is in total maya, he should be stripped of all positions & replaced by a new GBC. Another group feels that it is a temporary sickness, he will recover from it & lead them Back to Godhead. The third group which mainly consists of the Russian 'mafia' devotees feel that it is a transcendental pastime. His words should still be taken as 'guru mukha padma vakya'.

The GBC is desperately trying to balance the HKS phenomena by appearing to do justice. Dealing with his falldown in a proper manner & at the same time trying to cover up his deviation. So that it doesn't blemish the characters of the other gurus & also simultaneously not provoke the Russian devotees who have previously given an underlying threat that HKS's authority shouldn't be tampered with.

Meanwhile HKS is not co-operating with the EC of the GBC, thereby frustrating their attempts to cover up his madness from the devotees. He is extremely attached to his disciples & doesn't want to give up his relationship as a guru to them.


HKS - Update (11.8.98)
  1. HK's sister has arrived at Abenthuer to join her brother & consult together the same psychiatrist appointed by the GBC. It should be noted that HK's sister had similar problems of maniac depression due to her childhood traumas. Unfortunately for her, she was not allowed to stay in the temple as she is an obsessive meat eater. So, devotees are looking for an apartment for her within the vicinity of her brother's vicinity.
  2. Monica has been overwhelmed from the attention & focus which she has been receiving for the past few weeks. She never bargained for all these, sandwiched between fanatic Russians, a mad lover & the GBC trying to hush up the whole affair. She wants to quit but doesn't know how to do so. She knows that if she goes, Hk is finished, because he can't live even a minute without her.
  3. Bhakta Vatsala Das, HK's favourite secretary returned but was only rebuffed & frustrated by Hk's obnoxious offences & has decided to leave the movement & go live with his sister & consider going to the grhastha ashram.
  4. One TP in Germany is already taking a righteous stand in line with SP's teachings for the immediate removal of HKS as the initiating spiritual master, & the GBC of the zone & along with him there are many such devotees who are fully surrendered to SP's mission want to see like wise. Currently Kashiraj & his wife are in hiding in fear of their life, being protected by devotees who want to see a change in the management.


Warning About "Vibhuti"

11-08-98  - by Ravindra Svarupa dasa, for the GBC Executive Committee

We have received reports that a number of devotees in ISKCON may currently be under treatment by Chitesvara, a tantric healer from Orissa, with a powder called "vibhuti," supposedly the ash from a fire sacrifice. However, laboratory analysis has recently shown that the "vibhuti" given one patient (Harikesa Swami) contained powerful prescription psycho-pharmaceuticals. They were the anti-psychotic drug trifluoperazine (brand named Stelazine) and the anti-parkinsonian drug trihexyphenidyl (Artane).

Anyone currently taking "vibhuti" from Chitesvara is advised that it may contain these or other potent pharmaceuticals. At the same time, it may be quite dangerous to suddenly discontinue taking the powder. We advise such people to immediately consult a qualified physician, explain the situation, and withdraw from the powder under medical supervison.

Chitesvara denies putting any pharmaceuticals in the "vibhuti."

Any one with further questions regarding the "vibhuti" may consult Madhava Puri dasa. He can be reached by telephone at +46 (415) 222 45, by fax at +46 (415) 220 65, or by e-mail at, or


Suspension of Harikesa Dasa

11-08-98 -  Executive Committee of the Governing Body Commission
International Society for Krishna Consciousness

After a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the recent activities of Harikesa Swami, the GBC Executive Committee has decided to suspend him from the following positions, duties, and/or responsibilities within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON):

1. The ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC);
2. GBC Minister of Educational Development;
3. Property Trustee for any and all the properties within ISKCON;
4. Chairman of the SMPDC.

Additionally, the GBC Executive Committee places him on probation with respect to his duties as an initiating guru in ISKCON.

These decisions taken by the GBC Executive Committee are within the authority granted to us under ISKCON Law. Section grants the authority to suspend an ISKCON Leader in an emergency situation; Section provides for the terms of the suspension; Section the rectification program; and Section governs the period of the suspension. Attachment #1 provides the complete text of these sections of ISKCON Law.

Section grants the authority to place an ISKCON initiating guru on probation.
Attachment #2 provides the complete text of this section of ISKCON Law.

Based on numerous personal interviews with Harikesa Swami, and on his own statements, we believe that he is currently unable to represent His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

The GBC Executive Committee has stopped short of using its authority to remove Harikesa Swami fully from his positions within ISKCON with the hope that he will rectify himself according to the terms of rectification stated herein and return to service in the society.

As stated in ISKCON Law (See Attachments #1 and #2).

ISKCON Law states that "the guru may be put under probation with specific conditions which regulate his guru functions (including temporary withdrawal of authorization to initiate new disciples)."

Accordingly, the terms of probation for Harikesa dasa are: That for the term of his probation

  1. his authorization to initiate new disciples is withdrawn,
  2. he shall not exercise an absolute siksa position in relation to his present and aspiring disciples, nor shall his disciples accept him in that position;
  3. his disciples may continue to offer puja and bhoga to him and to recite his pranam mantras; or they may perform these functions instead to Srila Prabhupada alone; or to both of them together. The choice among these belongs to the individual disciple to make.

1. The GBC must be assured that Harikesa dasa has been returned to a sound mental and spiritual condition.
2. If he has undergone a change of asrama, such change must receive the approval of the GBC.

The suspension/probation shall continue until the Annual Meeting of the GBC at Mayapur in 1999, at which time all circumstances surrounding Harikesa dasa shall be reviewed.

Harikesa Swami has directly stated to the Executive Committee, as well as to other devotees, that he is no longer a sannyasi, and that he intends to marry. He has given up sannyasa dress and no longer wishes to be addressed as Swami. Therefore, the Executive Committee acknowledges that he should not be recognized as a member of the renounced order of life, and if he wishes to again be considered a sannyasi he should follow the procedures provided in ISKCON Law Section Attachment #3 provides the complete text of this section of ISKCON Law.

Dated: 11 August 1998 SIGNED:

ISKCON LAW 5.5.5 Suspension Procedure

If he has been on probation for at least one year and the situation has not been rectified, the Divisional Council, by two thirds (2/3) majority vote can recommend to suspend an ISKCON Leader. If approved by the local GBC(s) concerned and other GBC's (totaling a minimum of three GBCs, preferably from the same region), he may be suspended from his present position until either his suspension is revoked or he is removed. In addition, the ISKCON Leader's local GBC Zonal Secretary along with two consenting GBC's, or an authorized ISKCON Judicial Committee, or the GBC Body, shall also have the power to suspend an ISKCON Leader. In emergencies the GBC Executive Committee can suspend an ISKCON Leader. Terms of Suspension
The terms applying to a suspended ISKCON Leader for the duration of his period of suspension shall be as follows:

  1. He may not exercise any authority of his previously held position.
  2. He may not vote as an ISKCON Leader.
  3. He must be assigned a specific program of rectification. Rectification Program
The rectification and proper engagement of a suspended ISKCON Leader shall be a primary concern. As a result, the suspending body shall assign the offending ISKCON Leader a specific program of rectification for the duration of the period of suspension. The assigned program of rectification shall be understood as an opportunity for the suspended ISKCON Leader to redress himself and to regain his status as an ISKCON Leader in good standing. The suspending body shall personally, or through a delegated council/committee, carefully monitor the progress of the ISKCON Leader throughout his period of suspension. This committee shall submit quarterly progress reports to the suspending body. Period of Suspension
The period of suspension shall not exceed one year at which time the GBC Body, at its annual meeting, shall carefully consider the case of the suspended ISKCON Leader and remove, or relocate and give whatever directions or and either reinstate, or conditions deemed appropriate.

5.5.6 Removal
Under normal circumstances, an ISKCON Leader will be removed from his position only after being suspended and unable to rectify his situation. Such cases should be resolved by the GBC Body. There should ideally be no change of Presidents or ISKCON Leaders. If there are any difficulties they should be resolved by careful mediation. However, in an urgent situation the Executive Committee, in conjunction with the local GBC Zonal Secretary (if he is in good standing, and if not they may do it on their own) shall be empowered to remove an ISKCON Leader. An urgent situation shall be defined as:

  1. Any violation which endangers ISKCON's stability and security locally, nationally or internationally which cannot wait for the usual process of suspension and removal.
  2. Severe spiritual, philosophical or moral deviation.
  3. Rebellion against the authority of Srila Prabhupada and the GBC Body.

ATTACHMENT #2 ISKCON LAW Emergency Reports

If any approved guru has:

  1. taken reinitiation/shelter of a non-ISKCON guru or institution;
  2. rejected ISKCON or Srila Prabhupada; or
  3. undergone a change of service, of arama, or of living situation, which the local GBC member feels threatens to hamper the approved guru's ability to give guidance or to set a proper standard of conduct for disciples, then the GBC member shall submit an emergency report to the Executive Committee. If possible, this report shall include a written statement from the guru in question as to his intentions in regard to his disciples and his devotional service. If not possible, then the report shall at least include a description of the approved guru's intentions as best they can be discerned through the investigation of the GBC member.
    The report shall also contain any other information which would be of value to the GBC Body in determining the guru's status, as well as the recommendations of the local Temple Presidents, zonal councils, etc.

    The Executive Committee shall review the emergency reports and take any necessary action. Probation
If the warnings are not heeded, or if the deviation or neglect of spiritual practices are of a more serious nature, or if the transgressions of guru codes of behavior are serious and habitual, the guru may be put under probation with specific conditions which regulate his guru functions (including temporary withdrawal of authorization to initiate new disciples). In addition he may be given general recommendations or specific activities to perform as part of a program for his rectification and eventual reinstatement. Suspension
If a guru blatantly ignores the terms of probation, or repeatedly breaks one or more of the regulative principles, or acts in a manner which seriously and harmfully disregards existing ISKCON or GBC policies, or leaves his asrama of sannyasa without authorization, or leaves the association of devotees and the ISKCON movement, or completely deviates from standard sadhana, he may be suspended. If a guru is suspended he cannot give initiation, nor maintain an absolute siksa position in relation with his disciples, nor be introduced as a spiritual master, nor perform his guru functions such as receiving guru-puja or the acceptance of daksina.

ATTACHMENT #3 ISKCON LAW Reinstatement Procedures for a Devotee who has Fallen from his Sannyasa Vows
If a sannyasi frequently falls down or goes away for a prolonged time from ISKCON but later returns, the following procedure is to be followed:

  1. A sannyasi who returns should not wear the sannyasa dhoti, but later he may also be re-instated. Exactly when these procedures should be used will have to be judged according to individual circumstances.
  2. Anyone abandoning the sannyasa arama to take up the grhasta asrama shall immediately relinquish his sannyasi name and title and resume his name at first initiation.


EC Statement Concerning Russian Stockmarket

11 August, 1998 - INFORMATION RELEASE From the GBC Executive Committee,

Recently a rumour has been propagated which asserts that Harikesa Swami had speculated with ISKCON and BBT funds on the Russian stock exchange. When the Russian market suddenly collapsed, the rumour continues, tens of millions of Prabhupada's dollars were lost.

The executive committee has investigated this allegation and found it to be false. Here is our report about what actually happened.

Put simply, there was no capital investment and consequently no capital loss, at any time, by either ISKCON or the BBT, on the Russian stock exchange.

Among the many disciples of Harikesa Swami in Moscow were several householders who worked as financial consultants. Together they formed their own investment firm, which in time became enormously profitable.  From these profits these devotees offered a substantial donation to Harikesa Maharaja.

Taking the suggestion of some of his disciples, Harikesa Swami asked the Russian financiers to keep the sum they had offered him invested in their company's mutual funds. A percentage of the regular earnings generated by that capital should be used for Krishna conscious projects. (The remainder of the earning would be added to the original capital.) This investment was handled by his disciples, who were professional financial managers, and Harikesa Swami did not take an active part in it.

The sum, invested in long-term stocks, grew considerably. With a high rate of return on the investment, a large and regular fund became available for ISKCON projects.

A preference was given to education, the most important and neglected of Srila Prabhupada's priorities. Thus, there was money to develop a number of important and progressive initiatives in education.

One is the VTE, or Vaisnava Training and Education, which designs and runs courses throughout the world in subjects such as book distribution, new-devotee training and communications. A second is the Ministry for Educational Development, which has supported many devotees engaged in developing curriculum and teacher training for both child and adult education in ISKCON. A third is the Ministry for Child Protection, which has been able to develop programs for child abuse prevention and for helping existing abuse victims.

Harikesa Maharaja also channelled substantial funding into the Sri Mayapur Project. He personally oversaw the development of the exhibitions and the welfare work in the villages around the ISKCON Campus.

The management of the profits generated by those Russian investments and earmarked for ISKCON was entrusted to a foundation managed by a group of experienced devotees in the West. They invested those foundation funds very conservatively in the Western financial market. When it became clear to them, toward the end of 1997, that the Russian market was going to collapse, they were able to shift some of the capital from Russia to the West.

The rest of the capital remained in Moscow in the form of long-term investments, and when the value of these fell, the capital ceased to generate a profit. Consequently, since April this year the foundation has had only the funds generated by its own investments to dedicate to ISKCON projects. Some projects had to be cut back.

It was this cutback which apparently gave impetus to the rumour of massive losses of ISKCON funds on the Russian market.

The original ISKCON-earmarked investment, earned by independent householders and invested and managed by them through their own private company, has, in spite of everything, grown substantially.

Again for clarification. No funds belonging to either the BBT or ISKCON were invested at any time on the Russian stock exchange and consequently no BBT or ISKCON funds were lost.

For the GBC Executive Committee Bhagavat Dharma dasa Please contact Bhagavat Dharma das with any further questions:

On COM On the NET


Vibhuti Madness

12-08-98 - by a concerned devotee

I am completely amazed at the new spin put on the Harikesa dasa madness issue. Now the trustworthy GBC (and especially Ravindra Svarupa dasa who, you will remember, insulted Srila Prabhupada and all the vaisnavas by challenging us to write a letter to Srila Prabhupada and see if he answers-- {why do we send cards to Lord Jagannatha during his convalescence after the Snana-yatra?}) have cooked up the "Vibhuti defense" and the "Citeswara demon". Now anyone who has performed even the most atrocious or degraded activities, fall downs, swindles the devotees, misappropriates funds from the Society, can claim the Vibhuti defense and blame it all on the Citeswara demon. Nice work, Ravindra.

However, before we rush out and embrace this new revelation as truth, shouldn't we do a little investigating? I have some serious misgivings about this Vibhuti story. First, we are only hearing the Harikesa story from his friends and well wishers, and those who stand to gain by his continuation in his previous positions of GBC, Guru and Sannyasi. It is extremely important for this man to remain in his office, no matter what. His influence over the assets of this movement is immense. His disciples control many key ISKCON centers in Western and Eastern Europe and through them great influence is exerted in India as well. An ousted Harikesa will have a negative impact on the Society as a whole. His army of blind, fanatical, and undiscriminating followers, having long imbibed the poisonous Putana-esque "living guru" nonsense, will certainly split off from ISKCON to follow him. The Society will loose properties, the many millions he still controls, and the ignorant that follow him.

Therefore, no matter what, he must be propped up.

First, they told us it was too much service, too much austerity, and too much devotion to Srila Prabhupada that made this man mad. Did anyone buy this explanation? If you did, I want to encourage you to go back and reread Srila Prabhupada's books. Then they said it was "childhood trauma". Which one of us has not had childhood trauma? Yet, this man has participated in effectively underwriting the childhood trauma of many of our children in the gurukullas. What a lame defense! Next, they tried to palm off his delusions by indirectly calling them divine lila. Obviously, this kind of PR is intended for brainless idiots, which is what Ravindra and his crowd think we have all become.

All of these pseudo arguments were advanced in order to convince us, the mindless, undiscriminating devotees, that Harikesa dasa was in no way responsible for any of his actions. Now we discover that it wasn't too much service, devotion or austerities, it wasn't the childhood trauma, it was (drum roll, please) Vibhuti, all along. Poor Harikesa! What a victim, a helpless prey of the conniving and dangerous Citeswara! Of course in the past, Harikesa did not hesitate to take all the credit, all the money, all the followers, all the worship, and all the recognition he could get. Now to take responsibility for his fall is totally unthinkable. His falldown has been presented as divine lila. He has become more spiritual, more transcendental, more pure and close to Srila Prabhupada. We are being made to believe that what he has suffered is more like a "Fall-Up" than a falldown. What nonsense! This man should be rejected as guru and GBC.

Stelazine is an old prescription-only psychotropic drug manufactured by Smith- Kline Beecham Labs. However, there are now several generic brands on the market. It is generally prescribed for persons exhibiting a wide array of psychotic and schizophrenic behavior and is available in 1 mg to 10 mg doses. The cost per dose can run anywhere from $70 to $200. The color of at least one generic brand is purple. Because this drug has many side effects, including rigidity and other Parkinsonian like symptoms, Artane, a Benzhexol antispasmodic, anticholinergic salt, clear in color, is generally given in tandem with it. Both are dangerous drugs having powerful effects on the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

In other words, the person who gets this treatment has to be already exhibiting severe psychotic symptoms. What were Harikesa's original symptoms that required him to be seen by Citeswara? Is his current delusional behavior reminiscent of the behavior that caused him to be put on the drugs in the first place? Since these drugs are prescription only, and since whoever wrote the scrip had to know that they must be given together, Citeswara must have had some pharmacist ally, or a doctor ally, (assuming that, indeed, the yajna ash contained the two psychotropics, and that this is not just an elaborate scheme by the GBC to deflect Harikesa's own responsibility in this current mess).

Obviously, this Citeswara is a very shrewd operator. He may be a charlatan, but he is no fool. He had the good sense to get himself aligned with one of the other big ISKCON mega-gurus, Jayapataka (someone who still clings to the mistaken belief that Srila Prabhupada appointed him Acarya, and who continues to preach the toxic, bhakti-lata-bija-killing "living guru" stuff.) In this way, he had instant endorsement, instant credibility in the poisoned ISKCON swamps wherever devotees had imbibed this toxin. At a market value of $70-200 per dose, (less if obtained in India) Citeswara and his partners grew fat and rich cheating ISKCON's undiscriminating followers. Rather than protect the devotees from this type of cheating, ISKCON mis-leadership eagerly promoted and endorsed this fleecing of the lambs.

Has anyone bothered to ask Citeswara about his medicines? He will naturally deny putting western prescription medicines in his "ashes". Moreover, why would he want to do that unless people saw relief from what was essentially a chemical imbalance in the brain, as freedom from ghostly influences? The chemically induced non-delusional behavior was then equated with ghost busting. Thus, Citeswara's tantric powers were confirmed.

ISKCON authorities should investigate this matter and collect samples of other Citeswara potions to test for Artane and Stelazine. If further tests confirm that this charlatan used western medicine to pacify the delusional "ghostly haunted" symptoms of his subjects, then he and those who promoted him, (including Jayapataka and Harikesa) should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, internationally. ISKCON has been made a laughing stock again. Thanks, Jayapataka and Harikesa. You can add responsibility for this to your already long list of misdeeds. By the way, for those still taking these drugs, side effects include damage to the liver and blood cell-forming tissue. Great.

If no traces of these drugs are found in other Citeswara potions, then we are left with only a full-blown GBC cover-up. He was drugged out so he's all right. What led Harikesa to suddenly give up taking the drugs? Will the real Harikesa please stand up? We don't know which is the real you-the one that gave up sannyasa and has the hots for Monika, or the one who preached that giving up sannyasa and getting married is to eat one's own vomit? We're confused here and probably need some yajna ashes from Citeswara.

So now the GBC can say "Oh it's all Citeswara's fault" (essentially putting out a death warrant on him), and happily proclaim Harikesa guru, GBC and sannyasi once again. How very convenient. Harikesa is not responsible in the least for any of his actions. I am sorry, prabhus, but there are places for persons who are no longer responsible for their actions. Let us not be naive, sentimental or undiscriminating.


 Weird, man, weird.

12-Aug-98 - Janesvara - The biggest "leaders" of ISKCON say that they have now made a startling discovery that Harikesha's problems were all actually artificially induced by some psychotropic drug!

Whew!!! Boy, am I ever relieved. I mean this means if Harikesha had just continued taking the purple haze (or whatever that powder was), like he had been doing for the last ten years, which was just supposed to be ashes from some tantric fire sacrifice from some bogus idiot - everything would have been alright!!!

Hari Sauri (das) - I presume Janesvara prabhu is not a practicing psychiatrist. His comments above therefore don't "mean" much beyond his own speculations. I am presently here in Abentheuer where we have been struggling to get a clear picture of what happened to Harikesa to bring about the complete physical and mental collapse he suffered in June and consequent radical changes in his thought patterns. After two weeks here I don't still fully understand all of his problems. I think that needs a qualified medical practitioner to come in before we get a complete picture.

I was asked recently by a disciple of his about the vibhuti and I replied with what I have learnt so far:

Pamho. I think one of the next challenges will be to explain to the world why the "abrupt withdrawal symptoms" only manifested 4 months after the withdrawal. People doubt that seriously and their doubt makes sense.
What's your explanation?

My reply:

The withdrawal symptoms started right away. He had three nights without sleep immediately after he stopped the medicine. Then he became increasingly hyperactive throughout March, April and May. He took on more and more work and according to the psychiatrist we consulted, the increasing stress finally broke him in early June. In late May there was a gurukula reunion at which some of the kids described the abuse they suffered at the schools. This elicited a very emotional reaction from HKS and he broke down and cried for a long time.
When you understand his overall condition you see the pattern. As a child he and his sister were practically terrorized by their father who was suffering from PTDS (post traumatic distress syndrome) after WW II. He was violent and a tyrant who demanded absolute obediance. He tried to strangle Barbara on one occasion with a telephone cord and then tried to smash her with a large fan. HKS ran in and pulled him off otherwise he would have killed her.
It seems that he shut off emotionally from all relationships due to the stress of his upbringing. In college he became hyperactive, engaging in more sports, studies, and extracurricular activities than he could humanly manage. This resulted in some kind of a manic mental breakdown. This could have been due to PTDS. According to his sister he received no treatment for this and just gradually recovered on his own.
In 1987 he had another breakdown, both phsyical and mental although it was not as severe. That's when he started taking the "vibhuti." The vibhuti actually kept him fairly stable. It wasn't the correct medicine for his condition but according to the psychiatrist it was better than nothing.
When he stopped the vibhuti in Jan. this year, he was contacted shortly after by his sister. She had been through a terrible car crash and this resulted in her going into PTDS. She started reviving long surpressed memories of her beatings as a child. She had totally forgotten them and was shocked at first when they surfaced. She wrote to HKS and for the first time he also acknowledged their common childhood abuse.
Thus the stopping of the vibhuti and the resultant psychosis, plus the childhood abuse coming to the fore, plus his life long tendency to cyclothymic bipolar disorder (a low level manic/dpressive condition that usually requires no medical treatment) , plus the stress of all the extra work as GBC Chairman, plus his identification with the gurukula abuse, all seems to have culminated in his collapse in June.
Which was the main cause is hard to say but the withdrawal from the vibhuti was definitely a big factor in it all. The psychiatrist confirmed with us today that there was no way he could come off the effects of the vibhuti without the aide of another drug taken gradually over a period of several months. He is a sick man at this point.

The EC released the information about the vibhuti as they received it due to the demands by others for news on what was going on. Harikesa's sister came here to Germany a couple of days after we learned about the drugs and their effects and we got further information from her about the PTDS in the family. Its a bit of a jigsaw and we are still trying to fit the pieces together.
In the meantime lets have a bit of sympathy for an ill godbrother who has done tremendous service for Srila Prabhupada over the last 29 years, and let us pray for his full recovery so that he can continue to serve.

Subject: inquirey
Malati (dd) -  you quote from phsyciatrst, which I assume means that you are consulting members of the medical profession for advice. Then you mention that you (meaning god-brothers,etc) are trying to "piece it all together." I guess I am wondering, under the circumstances, how are we, as lay-persons, qualified to do this? Or, is it because HKS personally refuses to meet with any qualified practioner that the burden falls upon us? I am feeling that it seems so speculative, from the limited angle presented so far.
Again, this is meant as a direct inquirey, not any criticism.

Hari Sauri (das) - Yes, the problem is that so far he refuses to see a qualified mental health practitioner. Unfortunately one of the symptoms of what we think is his current condition (temporary paranoid schizophrenia) is that the patient doesn't think there is anything wrong with them while still engaging in bizarre behavior. His external behavior has settled down somewhat but his internal condition remains the same. His sister is helping to convince Monika the therapist that he needs professional help. And she is working on him also. There is a chance this can happen and that he can pull through all this.

Meantime the EC is making a statement later today about his status as a GBC member and guru in ISKCON (I won't preempt them here).


GBC Letter to All ISKCON Devotees Germany

GBC Executive Committee
International Society for Krishna Consciousness,
12 August, 1998
To all members of ISKCON:

Please accept our obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The GBC executive committee, after over a month of investigation and careful deliberation, has with much regret decided it has no choice but to place Harikesa Prabhu on probation as a spiritual master and to suspend all his functions as a member of the Governing Body Commission. These decisions are binding until the entire GBC body reviews them at the annual meeting in Mayapur.

In spite of our reluctance to say unpalatable things about a devotee of the stature of Harikesa dasa, we must give here a summary of the major facts which have compelled the executive committee's actions:

  1. Harikesa dasa has given up his position as a sannyasi. He did this without seeking sanction or approval. He expresses his fixed desire to become married to a particular woman who is not a devotee of Krishna.
  2. During the month of July, Harikesa dasa claimed that his true identity has been first, Skandha, then Lord Caitanya, and then Lord Krishna. Assigning various identities to other persons in his life, he engaged in what he regards as spiritual "lilas." One of these "lilas" brought about a (thwarted) sexual approach to a female disciple (whom he identified as Rukmini). The woman he wants to marry he has regarded first as an expansion of Parvati, then as Laksmipriya, finally as Radharani. Even though the intense period of "lilas" seems to be over, it is clear to the executive committee from direct association with Harikesa Prabhu that he accepts those activities a genuine transcendental experience, and that he still considers himself to be transcendentally situated in a spiritual identity in Vrindaban lila. The executive committee and senior god-brothers of Harikesa dasa are certain that these are not genuine spiritual lilas.
    Harikesa's identification with transcendental personalities, and his evincing of sexual desires, are incompatible with the characteristics and conditions of bona fide transcendental experience.
  3. More recently, for several days Harikesa dasa spoke openly of Srila Prabhupada in a critical and disparaging manner, sometimes questioning his motives, sometimes his authority, sometimes his competence.

In almost all circumstances, any leader who displayed the above three characteristics would have been removed swiftly and permanently from all positions and probably expelled from ISKCON. However, in Harikesa dasa's particular case there are unique conditions which suggest that these acts may be the expression of an unusual period of extraordinary stress and severe emotional upheaval. Judgment from mental health professionals gives support to this view. At the same time, the content of Harikesa's ideas and the volatile nature of his thought suggests that he is locked in a profound spiritual struggle which could end, God willing, in a great victory for him. In short, there is hope that this state of turmoil and of uninhibited emotional and mental expression is a transitory one from which Harikesa dasa may emerge restored and renewed in healthy condition.

To stress this hope, the executive committee has invoked the lightest possible sanction available to it. Harikesa dasa has been only suspended from his GBC position, not removed; he has only been put on only probation as a spiritual master. While his disciples should not accept siksa from him absolutely, they may, if they desire, continue to honor him as their spiritual master in gratitude for his mercy and guidance in the past and in expectation of his restoration in the future.

We undertake these acts with a heavy heart. We are mindful of the extraordinary service Harikesa has performed for Srila Prabhupada, and the praise Prabhupada lavished on him for it. Therefore we shall always view him with honor and respect, and we pray to Prabhupada and Radha-Krishna to help him in his time of struggle and need.

Ravindra Svarupa dasa, For the executive committee of the GBC


GBC letter to Harikesa Dasa

Executive Committee of the Governing Body Commission International Society for Krishna Consciousness,
August 12, 1998

Dear Harikesa Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We have a deep and abiding affection for you as our Godbrother and great admiration and appreciation for all the wonderful service you have done for Srila Prabhupada and his movement. We deeply empathize with you, our friend and fellow devotee, in the struggle that you are presently undertaking.

Somehow the events of the last couple of months have brought us all here to Abentheuer and left us with some difficult decisions to make. Over the last week we have deliberated with as much consideration and introspection at our command about your current situation, the subsequent effects within our Society and the way to proceed ahead.

With all the many factors involved regarding both your personal and the Society's needs we have arrived at certain conclusions which, due to the great confusion and potentially serious problems that have arisen, we feel must now be presented to the general body of devotees. Devotees and your disciples around the world are demanding clear direction from the GBC and we feel we can no longer delay giving this.

Consequently we have, according to the guidelines of ISKCON law under which we are constrained, decided that for the time being your official managerial functions as a GBC, Property Trustee and SMPDC Chairman should be suspended. In your meeting with Sesa Prabhu last week you declined to offer your resignation or accept a leave of absence. We appreciate that a resignation was perhaps too drastic for you to contemplate, and at the same time, from our side, removal from your designated duties is too drastic a step for us to contemplate. Suspension therefore seems the best option since this gives you time to adjust without pressure to perform according to the demands of duty and simultaneously it keeps open the hope and possibility that you will take up your services once your balance is established and your health and strength restored.

As far as your position as an ISKCON guru is concerned, again, out of the many options for us to consider we felt that a probationary period is best suited to your current situation. Clearly with your changing expressions and ideas, it is too confusing and disturbing for your disciples to follow your instructions at this time. However, again we feel that given some time, you may once again be able to resume this service and this decision allows for this.

We are enclosing herewith the documents pertaining to the EC's decision.

We have done our best to be as sensitive as we can to your personal need for time and space to yourself to bring some order to your life after the great emotional upheavals of the last two months. This has been a painful and confusing time for all of us and we recognize that this period of major adjustment is not yet over for you. We want to sincerely express our heartfelt feelings that you come out of this a better and more caring, sensitive and stronger person than you went in, with renewed determination to serve Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON movement. We feel you have great service still to perform for Srila Prabhupada and the devotees in general and we pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava that we can continue to work happily and unitedly together for our common goals.

We remain your humble servants in the service of Srila Prabhupada,

For the Executive Committee of the GBC
Ravindra Svarupa Dasa, Badrinarayana Dasa, Sesa Dasa and Akhandadhi Dasa.


Q & A about Harikesa Dasa

Answers provided by the GBC Executive Committee.

I asked a number of GBC members, some disciples of Harikesa prabhu and some other devotees to put down some questions they would like to ask about Harikesa's present situation. I felt that this was important, as there is a lot of confusion and speculation about what is happening. I felt that as the EC members are in Germany with him right now, they would be well placed to help us understand. I hope that you will find this helpful.

Saunaka Rsi dasa ISKCON Communications Europe

QUESTION 1: Is Harikesa Prabhu's condition due simply to the 'vibhuti' or are there deeper problems?

ANSWER: We have a medical judgement from Dr. Peter Dogs, a prominent German psychiatrist with excellent credentials, who was engaged to form a clinical picture of Harikesa. On August 6th and 7th, the doctor conducted in-depth interviews with devotees who had prolonged and close association with Harikesa; he studied videotapes of Harikesa; and so on. Since Dr. Dogs could not examine Harikesa directly, his evaulation is not a proper diagnosis; it is the best judgement he could render under the circumstances.

According to Dr. Dogs, the overall picture suggests what is known as a "cyclothymic personality." This personality structure is very common among successful people. What are known as "hypomanic" periods interchange with periods of "sub-depression." During the hypomanic periods, there is a reduced need to sleep, a generally accentuated positive mood, more energy than normal, an increased level of self-confidence, increased productivity often accompanied by voluntary, self-imposed and unusually long work hours. Further, sharpened, highly creative thinking with an optimistic attitude and a seemingly unlimited ability to achieve results is present.

During the depressive periods there is a rather dejected mood, a loss of interest and a loss of enjoyment in all, or almost all, usual activities. Along with this there is an increased tendency to sleep, accompanied by a lack of energy or chronic exhaustion, a greatly reduced over-all ability to achieve results, and a social withdrawal from friends, acquaintances and closer work colleagues. There is also a feeling of slowing down, and a pessimistic attitude towards the future, or brooding over past events.

Dr. Dogs says that Harikesa life over the decades seems to fit this picture. It seems that during the hypomanic periods, he was a big achiever possessing extraordinary creativity. The breakdowns that always followed were understood to be necessary recuperation and convalescence of his body and mind, because such a high productivity cannot be maintained over a long period of time.

If this alternation reaches a certain extreme, the behaviour may then be classified as a "cyclothymic bi-polar disorder."

It was apparently an extreme collapse that produced a crisis for Harikesa in 1988. That prompted Chitesvara to administer the drugs (Trifluoperazine and Trihexyphenidyl) found in the vibhuti. According to Dr. Dogs, while these drugs would not have been the right ones for Harikesa's condition, nevertheless "they were better than nothing at all," and they enabled Harikesa to function for ten years. This is not, of course, to sanction Chitesvara's unethical practices. The abrupt withdrawal from the pharmaceuticals in the 'vibhuti', according to Dr. Dogs, may have precipitated an more intense condition, which Dr. Dogs says from the descriptions seems to be a "schizo-affective disorder," in which both schizophrenic as well as manic symptoms are exhibited within the same case of illness.

Another opinion holds that Harikesa's extreme behaviour is the manifestation of some sort of advanced spiritual ecstasies. This is the position in fact advocated by Harikesa and accepted by some of his disciples. However, we reject this position, for Harikesa's condition fails to meet the criteria for an advanced spiritual state given by Srila Prabhupada.

Another way to view his condition, without buying completely into the prevailing psychotherapeutic paradigm, is to see it as an intense emotional upheaval resulting from a severe inner spiritual struggle, a kind of personal "day of judgement." In that case, the struggle is still in progress, and we shall have to see what the final outcome is. This view, however, needs to take into account the fact that his current condition may still have been affected by his abrupt withdrawal from Trifluoperazine and Trihexyphenidyl.


Did Harikesa prabhu know there were drugs in the vibhuti? How do you know the answer to this question?

ANSWER: Apparently not. We know that Harikesa has a strong aversion to Western pharmaceuticals. None of his servants and close associates had any idea that the 'vibhuti' was actually not ash from a fire sacrifice. While Chitesvara may have told Harikesa that the 'vibhuti' was a specific for mental disturbance, he did not tell him it was made of Western pharmaceuticals, and Chitesvara still denies that there were such drugs in the 'vibhuti'.

QUESTION 3: How long has he had the disorder described in the diagnosis?

ANSWER: The current state began in February 1998 when, after a falling-out with Chitesvara, he suddenly stopped taking the 'vibhuti'. According to psychiatric medicine, a cyclothymic bipolar disorder is a chronic condition, with an onset in late adolescence or early adulthood. According to what Harikesa told Bhaktavatsala dasa, during college he had experienced a period of hyperactivity followed by a breakdown, which received some kind of psychotherapeutic attention. His sister confirms the breakdown.

QUESTION 4: Is Harikesa Prabhu co-operating with the devotees in the matter of getting medical treatment?

ANSWER: Harikesa currently does not acknowledge that he requires medical treatment. Devotees have tried to persuade him that this is necessary for his well being. As he does not pose a life-threatening danger to himself or to others, no legal measures can be taken to force treatment upon him. He must recognise his own need for treatment.

QUESTION 5: Does the EC think that Harikesa prabhu, in his present condition, can continue in his services (GBC, sannyasi, guru)?

ANSWER: No. As far as sannyasi goes, he himself declares that he is no longer a sannyasi, and that he has often stated his hopes to be married to Monika, his "healer." He has not performed any GBC functions since his collapse in June, and the EC has officially suspended him from all GBC duties. Similarly, he cannot presently function as guru, since statements he made to the executive committee and other devotees show that he cannot reliably represent Srila Prabhupada and his teachings.

QUESTION 6:  Is Harikesa prabhu to be considered fallen?

ANSWER: At this point he should be simply consider disturbed or sick.

QUESTION 7:  Has Harikesa prabhu been talking of Lila?


QUESTION 8:  Did Harikesa prabhu make advances on a female disciple?


QUESTION 9: Does the EC think he can be cured?

ANSWER: The doctor has indicated that with the right treatment there is a reasonable chance.

QUESTION 10:  Has Harikesa prabhu discussed leaving ISKCON?

ANSWER: He says that he loves ISKCON and if ISKCON will accept his leadership and the changes he advocates, he can stay. If not, he is ready to start a community of his own.

QUESTION 11:  What is Harikesa prabhu's relationship with his disciples, now and in the future?

ANSWER: Since at present Harikesa does not represent his spiritual master, and, in his current disturbed state, even goes so far as to criticise Srila Prabhupada, Harikesa cannot act as a spiritual master. Therefore, the executive committee is putting him on probation as a spiritual master. According to ISKCON law, his disciples are directed not to maintain an "absolute siksa relationship with him." Probation indicates that there is hope for a return to normalcy.

The executive committee's decisions are binding up to the annual meeting in Mayapura, where the entire GBC body will review them.

QUESTION 12: Are Harikesa prabhu's disciples free to go with him if he leaves ISKCON?

ANSWER: We cannot stop them by force. However, anyone who follows Harikesa in his current condition will be severing his or her relationship with Srila Prabhupada's movement, ISKCON and putting the relationship with Prabhupada in extreme jeopardy.

QUESTION 13: When will the EC clarify his position in ISKCON?

ANSWER: It is being clarified right now. There will be some formal declarations and a full report issued by Thursday, August 13th.

QUESTION 14:  Why did Krishna not protect Harikesa prabhu from this situation?

ANSWER: In our judgement, from a spiritual point of view, Harikesa is being tested. We are praying to Radha and Krishna that he passes this test and emerges as a better servant.

QUESTION 15: Many devotees regarded Harikesa prabhu as a pure devotee and considered him to be situated on the transcendental platform. How can this happen to a pure devotee?

ANSWER: As long as one is strictly following, one can be considered on the pure platform. Yet there can still be tests to pass and obstacles to overcome in order to make further advancement. While he was properly situated, Harikesa rendered great service to Srila Prabhupada and delivered genuine spiritual knowledge to many people. That accomplishment remains a solid fact, whatever else may happen.

QUESTION 16:  Will Harikesa prabhu ever be able to function as a spiritual master again?

ANSWER: It remains a possibility at this point, and we are hoping and praying for that to be realised.

QUESTION 17:  Is there a history of mental disorder in his family?

ANSWER: His sister has indicated that his father and she herself suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

QUESTION 18:  Why was this disorder not discovered earlier?

ANSWER: We don't know. The 'vibhuti' masked it for ten years.

QUESTION 19:  What will Harikesa prabhu do now, what is his position?

ANSWER: He is trying to rent a house close to the Abentheuer temple in Southern Germany, and wants peace, quiet, and solitude. He says he wants to be given the time and space to go through whatever he is going through. His sister will be staying with him in Germany for two weeks. He himself says that he should be considered "on vacation" from all ISKCON functions.

QUESTION 20: Should Harikesa prabhu's disciples hold a Vyasa Puja celebration this year or publish a Vyasa Puja book?

ANSWER: We feel that offering a Vyasa Puja at this time may not be appropriate, but we encourage his disciples to gather and to pray for his recovery and remember all the good he has done for them.

QUESTION 21:  Should Harikesa prabhu's disciples continue to worship him? If not, where should they take shelter?

ANSWER: At present, it is up to the disciples as individuals. They should try to increase the shelter they have already taken of Srila Prabhupada, his books and his service, and they may also seek increased shelter of other devotees in good standing whom they respect and trust.

QUESTION 22: What happens to all his services, his preaching area and his projects? When will any changes take place?

ANSWER: Competent and qualified devotees will continue his services and projects. In his preaching area, Harikesa established competent councils and project managers who will continue in that position in his absence. Any further changes will be considered in Mayapura.

QUESTION 23: Does the EC see this problem linked to other issues, i.e. the guru issue and or the calls for change and reform in ISKCON?


QUESTION 24: Did Harikesa prabhu engage in speculation in relation to the money which was earned and lost in the Russian stock market (Prem Invest)?

ANSWER: No. A detailed statement on this subject is being released.

QUESTION 25: What about Harikesa's involvement in the BBT court case? What is the current status of the case? How much money has been spent on the case? What are the possibilities of loss connected with the case?

ANSWER: The case has been continued until November 29th. The parties have now entered into a thirty-day discussion period. Harikesa prabhu has resigned as a BBT Trustee, and is not deeply involved in the court case. The BBT trustees have addressed some of the other questions. For further information, contact the BBT communications office, Akruranath das, the BBT legal representative or Jayadvaita Swami, the current chairman of the Trustees.

QUESTION 26:  What is the current status of Harikesa prabhu's relationship with his therapist, Monika?

ANSWER: She is currently still giving him pranic therapy. Although he wants to marry her, she does not view him in that light. She is the person he has taken most shelter of and whom he most trusts and follows.

QUESTION 27:  How should the devotees in general and his disciples address him?

ANSWER: "Prabhu" is the most appropriate title. From his side, he says he does not want to be called "Harikesa Swami". However, he says he is happy with "Maharaja," as in "Dhruva Maharaja or "Yudhisthira Maharaja."



Letter from GBC EC to Harikesa Dasa's Disciples

Executive Committee of the Governing Body Commission International Society for Krishna Consciousness,
August 12, 1998

Dear Disciples of Harikesa Maharaja,

Please accept our humble respects. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

With much heaviness of heart we have had today to put Harikesa Maharaja on probation as a spiritual master and on suspension as a member of the GBC. We held back from taking this action for as long as possible, but finally we became certain that there was no alternative left. We have not undertaken this lightly.

We have taken this action for the protection of Srila Prabhupada's society and for your own protection. At the same time, we understand how profoundly this affects each of you personally, and we are deeply sympathetic with you. We share with you the anguish you must all be feeling at this time of turbulence for your spiritual master, Harikesa Maharaja.

All of us are highly conscious of the awesome amount of service Harikesa Maharaja has rendered Srila Prabhupada over the last twenty-nine years. He pleased Srila Prabhupada by his personal service and by fulfilling his desires for preaching in many fields, most notably in the area of book production, printing and distribution. For his extraordinary accomplishment in organizing the NE European BBT, Srila Prabhupada called him "the most important grand disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur." Such glorification was neither given cheaply nor cheaply earned.

Since then Harikesa Maharaja has continued doing wonderful service for ISKCON, not only individually, but also by training, inspiring, and engaging all of you, his dedicated disciples.

Whatever you have received from him that has lodged you at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha Krishna is permanent and eternal, and the present disturbed circumstances do not detract from that in any way.

As you know, Harikesa Maharaja is not at the present time in a mentally and emotionally stable frame of consciousness. In June he suffered a physical and mental collapse which has been followed by a period of tremendous emotional turbulence and upheaval. It is evident that this process is not yet concluded. He has decided to give up his sannyasa asrama and may eventually get married. As well as this he is re-examining his relationship with Srila Prabhupada and also with Srila Prabhupada's movement, ISKCON.

For this reason, the Executive Committee of the GBC, have today taken the step of suspending Harikesa Maharaja from his managerial duties as a GBC, Property Trustee and SMPDC Chairman. This suspension is effective until the GBC meetings next Gaura Purnima in Mayapur.

In regard to his position as guru, after careful consideration it is clear to us that he is not able to give instruction representative of the principles and teachings of Srila Prabhupada at this time. We have thus placed him on probation, a status to be reviewed next Gaura Purnima. Because we are hopeful that this is a only passing phase we are recommending that while you should not take siksa from him for the time being, you may still honor him as your spiritual master. (The specific conditions of his probation are contained in the official statements of the Executive Committee.)

The unusual circumstances surrounding his present inability to function within ISKCON, leads us to hope that this will prove to be a temporary state of affairs. That is why we chose to invoke only a suspension and probation rather than a full removal of his duties.

Some disciples may think that they will be breaking faith with their spiritual master if they discontinue for now to take all he says and does as spiritual absolutes. Rather, you should keep faith in him by honoring the faith he instilled in you in Prabhupada and ISKCON. For now he has broken faith with himself, and to encourage and support him in this would be the greatest disservice to him and would do him immense harm.

Rather we advise you all to continue to take shelter of Srila Prabhupada and his teachings and to take help and advice from the senior devotees and sadhus in his ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada has kindly provided us with full shelter in every respect. He taught us that we have three authorities to take advantage of - guru, sadhu and sastra. All three link us to Krishna and all three help us to advance.

In ISKCON we are fortunate that we have the security of Srila Prabhupada's books, his personal example, his service, the Deities, and above all the association of the Vaishnavas. Taking shelter in these will protect you spiritually. Be assured that in these difficult times Srila Prabhupada will give his special blessings to you all to support you in your progress back home back to Godhead.

Your relationship with Harikesa Maharaja can continue, now with the spirit of support for him in his hour of need. As Srila Prabhupada once told us in Teheran in 1976, each and every devotee must sometime pass a "severe test of examination." We can all pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava that he successfully passes this test and goes on with brilliant success to serve Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON movement.

We remain your ever-well wishers,

Executive Committee of the GBC
Ravindra Svarupa dasa, Sesa dasa, Badrinarayan dasa, Akhandadhi dasa.



The Harikesh Saga

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