Calcutta Bloodbath Warning

200 Mayapur devotees to storm the Calcutta temple


From: Adri Dharan (das) ACBSP (Calcutta)
Date: 11-Sep-00 05:16
To: ICC (Indian Continental Committee) [2826]
Subject: Bureau planning bloodbath
(Text COM:3532784)

We have just been informed by our undercover agents in Mayapura, close to Dayarama leading disiple of JPS, of the following plan. Dayarama plans to fly to Mumbai in the next few days to obtain as many signatures of the bureau members as possible, who are in agreement with his plan to use 200 devotees to storm the Calcutta temple and Gurusadaya Road properties. The plan has been given the green light by the GBC in the USA, and the aim is to get the some Bureau members' assent as well. Though the bureau signatures will have no legal effect, they will be used after the occupation to be used as evidence that the action was not taken unilaterally.

Please be warned we have at least 6 licensed gunman besides other arrangments at each property, and the local press and Police have been informed of the attack from Mayapura, and our plans of defence. We will defend both properties, the deities and the devotees with our life. The gunman are licensed to use force to repel any attack. We do not see what will be gained from this action, except that there will be the needless loss of devotee's lives. This is a final warning to both the ICC and the GBC, that if they wish to avert this catastrophe, they need to call Dayarama off. He will not take any action unless he has approval from at least a handful of bureau members.

Otherwise they will have blood on their hands. Because please be rest assured that the days when such goonda tactics could work in ISKCON are over. Yes, with JPS on the run, and the GBC having no joy in the courts, it is clear that the GBC are now getting desparate. But unless Dayarama's hired hands are prepared to lay down their lives, such an action will not work - our gunman will see to that. We are prepared and ready. We do not fear such an attack - and make this plea only to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Either Dayarama's thugs will have to kill us, or they will be shot - either way it will such a public relations disaster, that any resulting occupation, even if it were happen, which is highly unlikely - would be meaningless. But your agreement will be there for the world to see.

You have been warned.


Text COM:3538819 (28 lines)
From: Pancaratna (das) ACBSP (Mayapur - IN)
Date: 13-Sep-00 00:57
To: ICC (Indian Continental Committee) [2831]
Reference: Text COM:3532784 by Adri Dharan (das) ACBSP (Calcutta)
Subject: Bureau planning bloodbath

Dear Adridharan prabhu,
Dandavad. Prabhupada kijaya!

I am totally shocked that you could consider killing devotees to protect your position as the temple president of Calcutta ISKCON. I cannot find any way to justify such an agressive response. Of course, I would deplore any use of physical force by any party. But to consider killing devotees whatever the provocation (short of a violent, life-threatening attack) is unthinkable to me.

You state: "We will defend both properties, the deities and the devotees with our life." Defend against what? The only issue here is your position as the president of the center and the policy regarding intiations for the residents of the center. Do you believe that your antagonists pose any physical threat to the property? That they would harm the Deities or the devotees? And if the devotees really feel threatened they can simply leave. Is their attachment to a particular service worth taking someones life?

Please give up this horror.

Your servant,
Pancaratna das
(Text COM:3538819) -----------------------------------------

Dear Pancaratna Prabhu,

I think you taken leave of your senses.

1) Mayapura wants to bring 200 devotees to FORCIBLY and VIOLENTLY and ILLEGALLY take over the temple properties, and all you can do is to tell ME to give up DEFENDING myself?

2) Any sane man would try and PREVENT the situation by writing to the would be AGGRESSORS and making sure that such an act of aggression does not even take place. If you did THAT then you would not even NEED to write to me since NOTHING would happen.

3) The fact that you have NOT done this, and instead wrote to ME and asked me to give up plans of DEFENCE, can only mean two things:

a) The occupation is going to go ahead; b) And you agree with such an occupation;

Think about it. If there was to be NO violent occupation, then WHAT is there for you to write to me to 'GIVE UP' - NOTHING is going to happen. And WHY wouldn't you write FIRST to those who would INITIATE this sequence of events. Why aren't you asking THEM to 'give up' the horror of violent aggression which ALONE can set off any violence?

4) Also I simply stated that death will result on BOTH sides - which is obvious when there is a violent confrontation - so instead of asking ONE side to give up defending itself - why NOT AVOID boodshed on BOTH sides by asking the aggressors to not take violent action in the first place?

5) Where are your priorities? Why aren't you horrified that such an action of illegal violent occupation is even being contemplated - or do you believe in goonda culture and Violence as long as it comes from Mayapura?

6) And how can the 'devotees be innocent' when they are planning to tale illegal and violent action? Your defintion of 'innocent devotees' are those who get together in a large Violent mob and through violence drive others out? Mayapura has had a long history of Violence as everyone knows. Do you really want me to get into what JPS and his henchman have done over the years to REAL 'innocent devotees'?

7) Mayapura has many Guns for protection - do you really think that if I came with devotees to take over - they would also leave and not be 'attached to their service'? Please wake up and get your priorities right. THEY can keep guns for protection. THEY can occupy us by force and violence. But the moment I talk of self-defence you are all 'horrified', and state that we should simply leave and not be 'attached'. Please wake up. Do you think they were going to come with flower garlands? Devotees in Mayapura make violent threats against me all the time - and you know it.

As I stated to begin with - if 200 violent blood-thirsty goondas are not planning to come at all - then you have nothing to worry about. So you would be better off making sure it does not happen - because the days when such goonda tactics ruled ISKCON are over. We are supposed to be a spiritual movement and you are more horrifed that someone should try and DEFEND themselves AGAINST such goonda tactics than the fact that such a tactic may even be contemplated in the first place.

No wonder such a goonda culture flourishes in ISKCON.

ys, adri